Miracle, there's a Christmas movie for just about everybody. Two Hallmark Hall of Fame movies have even premiered during the Countdown to Christmas. A Heavenly Christmas stars Kristin Davis a Christmas Angel in training and Just In Time For Christmas returns Christopher Lloyd to...
In April,Lacey ChabertandKristoffer Polaha’sThe Christmas Questwas announced, marking the start of Hallmark’s movie rollout. The network also revealed in April thatPaul Campbell,Tyler HynesandAndrew Walkerwould be reprising their roles as the Brenner brothers inThree Wiser Men and a Boy. ...
if you use my monthly entries, you know that the Hallmark channels don’t like to post their schedules for more than (something like) three weeks at a time. This is the first time (
Rather than rescheduling their wedding day, the couple, who met on the set of a Hallmark Channel movie, decided they couldn't put off getting married any longer. "We couldn't wait — we were too excited to profess our love and commit to each other. It sounds a little cheesy, but when...
(or a 7-day free trial) to catch those exclusives. I’ve included a note about which of the 2024 Hallmark Channel Christmas movies will stream on Hallmark+ and when they will arrive in the movie descriptions at the bottom of this post. (Don’t forget, not all Hallmark Channel and ...
Christmas,” hosted by Jonathan Bennett and judged by Melissa Peterman, is an eight-episode reality competition series that follows “10 promising Hallmark ‘hunks’ who live together and compete against one another for the lead role in an upcoming original holiday movie.” The winner ...
One example Hynes pointed to was a small moment inThree Wise Men and a Baby, in which Walker's character puts Hynes into a full nelson wrestling move, which the producers were initially concerned would be cut from of the movie. "They felt like it was rough-housing an...
If only I’d had a kindly uncle on a ranch to guide me, I might have figured the whole thing a lot faster than four years. But how are you supposed to trust a romance that seems vaguely like a Hallmark movie? Or at least an R-rated one. ...
ET: This is your first Hallmark movie. I always love when they welcome new actors into the family because once you're in, it's like a really nice warm hug. What was it like getting this opportunity to make your Hallmark debut?
To her shock, Sugarplum (Parrish), the film’s relentlessly optimistic main character, magically steps off the screen to make Emily’s wish come true — whether she’s ready for it or not. As Sugarplum applies her movie-world rules to real life, Emily gets caught up in the possibility ...