Over the holiday season, Abby takes a job giving advice on the "holiday hotline," for anyone struggling with their cooking during Thanksgiving and Christmas. She strikes up a conversation with widower John, with whom she feels a connection. But in real life, Abby has fallen for Jack, not...
Vote up the best Summer Nights Hallmark original movies When they're done celebrating Christmas in July, the Hallmark Channel heats up movie night with a lineup of summery romantic movies during their Summer Nights event. This list of summer-themed Hallmark movies has all summertim...
flirty watch this year. The film stars Heather Hemmens as Anna, a cook who lands a job as a TV chef cooking up Portuguese dishes after her boss, Dean, played by Darren Day, goes on vacation. Although the pair initially struggle to work together upon his return, romance is never far awa...
2021 Movies 2020 Movies 2019 Movies 2018 Movies 2017 Movies 2016 Movies Video Meet the Stars Romantic Moments Movie Collection Checklist App This or That Recipes Poll Extras Lacey and Brennan Movie Quiz Bucket List Recipes How - Tos Love Story Leads Quiz ... ...
In one way or another, all Hallmark movies are centered around love, whether it's the very idea of self-love, an act of unrequited love, or a fairytale romance that makes viewers swoon. But the Hallmark Valentine's Day movies released each February are the sweetest ones of all — ...
Nomystery movies *** *** *** *** *** Saturday – July 9, 2022 10:00 AM Morning Show Mysteries: Murder On the Menu Beloved cooking show host Billie Blessings finds herself in hot water when a dead body turns up in the car of one of her guests, a temperamental celebrity chef, wi...
A romance writer is murdered, leaving a matchmaker, and a detective, to solve the case. 4:00 PM Morning Show Mystery: Murder on the Menu (2018) Beloved cooking show host Billie Blessings finds herself in hot water when a dead body turns up in the car of one of her guests, a temperam...
Plot Summary: "After leaving London, Abby connects with an anonymous caller while working at a cooking hotline. The caller is single dad 'John' who Abby unknowingly has become smitten with in real life." Premiering November 19, 2023 and available to stream on Peacock from November 20 to Nov...
Tourism Winnipeg is the official destination travel planning website, giving you information on all things to see and do in Winnipeg. Plan your trip to Winnipeg with this website, which includes upcoming events, travel deals and more.
What does cooking have to do with murder? A lot when it comes to theGourmet Detectivefilms, which began in 2015. In the movies, San Francisco Police Department detective Maggie Price (Brooke Burns) turns to culinary pro Henry Ross (Dylan Neal) whenever she stumbles upon a crime...