The not-at-homeness that Smith describes has grown for me personally over the last few years. My greatest sense of home for most of my life came from my visits once or twice each year to my parents’ house in Michigan. In 2012, I returned there to live with them and provide care as...
WATER WORKS, 1909 WOLCOTT HOUSE HOTEL, 1906 available @ WOLCOTT HOUSE HOTEL, 1906 NASHVILLE LOCATION Google Maps NASHVILLE LOCATION MORE VINTAGE MICHIGAN: Vintage Photos of Brighton, Michigan: 1900-1950s AT THE DEPOT, 1907 available @ AT THE DEPOT, 1907 THE BLUE LAN...
they first need to reach Harts Pass in Washington (the closest road access in the US to the border). Then they need to hike northbound nearly 31 mi 50 km to reach the northern terminus at the US-Canada Border.