中场休息的英文是什么 中场休息用英语怎么说 中场休息怎么读 拼音:,拼音 [zhōnɡ chǎnɡ xiū xi] 中场休息翻译:中场休息的英文 halftime,中场休息也可以翻译为 half time,还可以用 half-time break 表示中场休息。 中场休息的意思 中场休息的翻译 中场休息的解释 中场休息的发音 中场休息的辞典例句用法 中场休...
HALFhalf-courthalftimeHalf time 半场汉英翻译 half of a game or contest半场; 词组短语 上半场first half; first hingf 下半场The second half; second hingf 在下半场in the second half 双语例句 1. We win half the battle when we make up our minds to take the world as we find it, including...
Halftime definition: the period indicating completion of half the time allowed for an activity, as for a football or basketball game or an examination.. See examples of HALFTIME used in a sentence.
'halftime'与'half-time'相互参照。 您可以在下面的一行或多行中找到它。 WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2025: 主要翻译 英语 中文 half-time, also US: halftime n (sport: break at mid point) (体育竞赛等) SC 中场休息 zhōng chǎng xiū xī TC 中場休息 At half-time the home ...
half′time` orhalf′-time`, n. 1.the intermission or rest period between the two halves of a football, basketball, or other game. adj. 2.pertaining to or taking place during a halftime. [1870–75] Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyrigh...
half′time` orhalf′-time`, n. 1.the intermission or rest period between the two halves of a football, basketball, or other game. adj. 2.pertaining to or taking place during a halftime. [1870–75] Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyrigh...
almediotiempolosdosequiposibanorestabanempatados thewhistleblewforhalf-time elsilbatosonóanunciandoelfinaldelprimertiempo 词条halftime在西班牙语»英语中的译文 (跳至英语»西班牙语) 结果列表 相关的个性化匹配翻译 mediotiempo half-time entretiempo
Halftime, half a Perc' and half a Xanny, nigga, halftime Half a pint, pour up an eight, my nigga, halftime Tryna rob, that stick turn his body to halftime (Yeah) Hit the streets and tear this bitch up like I'm Willie B No Tennessee, but the chain on my neck is a T No Memph...
嘻哈电音即时创意半速效果器 CableGuys HalfTime v1.0.1 (Cable Guys Half Time ) 首页 效果插件 人声处理 正文 05215 251编曲网 19小时前发布 关注嘻哈电音即时创意半速效果器 CableGuys HalfTime v1.0.1 (Cable Guys Half Time ) 此内容为付费资源,请付费后查看 ¥9.9...
Halftime half a Perc' and half a Xanny ***halftime Half a pint pour up an eight my ***halftime Tryna rob that stick turn his body to halftime Yeah Hit the streets and tear this ***up like I'm Willie B No Tennessee but the chain on my neck is a T No Memph'...