and tend to hoard their goods and prefer to wear more comfortable clothing.Halflings have an average lifespan of one century, although living to 150 years is not uncommon. A halfling is typically considered to have become an adult when they reach their mid-twenties. Halflings age in a similar...
In general, among the writers here at Cannibal Halfling Games, we are attracted to the things that we write about for a variety of reasons. Sometimes, it’s because it is something at the cutting edge of mechanical development. Sometimes, it’s excitement at projects to come. Other times, ...
I crash onto the balcony in a drop pod next to the beacon and the nanodust that was the smear I left behind. I exchange greetings and a salute with another squadmate –“Butler.”“Setback.”– who walked into the room while I was dead, and I look down into the courtyard. An enemy...
dark tan to ruddy, and eye color is typically black or brown. Their hair is usually black, and falls straight. Males often wear long sideburns, but beards are rare and mustaches almost unheard of. Halflings are considered adults at the age of 20 and usually live into their second century....
Halflings were one of the last races to be created by the Old Ones before their fall, and represented a desperate attempt to create a magically resistance race. As it turned out, Halflings are resistant to magic but at the cost of being inbred, stunted, and rather vulgar.[1] ...
Halflings are considered adults at the age of 20 and usually live into their second century. Lands[edit]The Talenta plains are located in what was the northeastern section of Cyre. They are bordered to the west by the Mournland and lake Cyre, to the south and east by the Blade Desert,...
Probably due to some correlated thinking due to my birthday being so close to the holiday, but I loved all things spoopy from a young age. Then it was her. Fiery red hair,… Continue reading The Othering of Pansexuality in TTRPGs Leave a comment Search for: ...
Alphabetical: H Hobbits About this entry: Updated 13 October 2013 This entry is complete TheHalfling A title of theRing-finderand theRing-bearer Years of the TreesFirst AgeSecond AgeThird AgeFourth Age "ForIsildur's Baneshall waken,
年龄Age。半身人约20岁成年,一般能活到150岁。 阵营Alignment。大多数半身人倾向于守序善良。他们一般心地良善、和蔼可亲,而且受不住旁观他人受苦,也完全不能容忍压迫。此外,他们也很守秩序、守传统,倚重社群和习俗。 体型Size。半身人身高约3尺,体重约40磅。属小型体型。
Age. A halfling reaches adulthood at the age of 20 and generally lives into the middle of his or her second century. Alignment. Most halflings are lawful good. As a rule, they are good-hearted and kind, hate to see others in pain, and have no tolerance for oppression. They are also ...