doi:10.1029/JC078i009p01486HarryNationalvanNationalLoonNationalKarinNationalLabitzkeNationalRoyNationalL.NationalJenneNationalWileyJournal of Geophysical Research
Total assets on the balance sheet today fell to C$365 billion, down by C$210 billion, or by 36%, from the peak in March 2021 (C$575 billion). During its crazed QE starting in March 2020 through March 2021, it piled on an additional C$455 b...
Half-yearly wave in the stratosphere. J. Geophys. Res. 77 (21), 3846-3855. Loon, H., K. Labitzke, and R. Jenne, 1972: Half-yearly wave in the stratosphere. J. Geophys. Res.. 77, 3846-3855....
Comments on paper by Harry van Loon, Karin Labitzke, and Roy L. Jenne, ‘Half-yearly wave in the stratosphere’doi:10.1029/JC078i009p01484Richard J. ReedUniversity of WashingtonJOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH