1) half-milano rib stitch 罗纹半空气层组织2) milano rib 罗纹空气层组织3) modifiedmilanorib 变化罗纹空气层组织4) plain loop and interlock compound stisch 双罗纹空气层组织5) Rib-knit 罗纹组织 1. The Decoration of Rib-knit in the Knitted Wear; 罗纹组织在针织服装中的修饰作用 更多例句...
1) racked half-milano rib stitch 三平扳花 2) shog pattern 扳花花纹 3) wale diversion 扳花组织 4) star wrench 花形扳手 5) automatic racking 自动扳花 6) doubleoffset ring spanner 梅花扳手 补充资料:乐息平 ,乐息地平 ,司乐平 药物名称:拉西地平 ...
3) twisted polka rib 畦编波纹组织 4) half-cardigan 半畦编 1. The dimensional properties of rib,half-cardiganand full-cardigan wool knitted fabric were studied in this paper. 通过实验的方法,研究了横机编织的罗纹、半畦编和畦编羊毛针织物的尺寸特性,对3种织物的线圈长度、纵横向水洗收缩率、纵密及...
1) combination of rib and jersey stitch;half-milano rib stitch 三平组织2) Triplane tissue toppler imaging 三平面组织多普勒3) three-phase morphology 三相组织4) three-layer weave 三层组织 1. It is analyzed and studied the principles to develop functional knitted fabrics with ultra-fine ...