As the figure shows, when the SiC MOSFET module is switched off, the Vds overshoot value is approximately 450 V. Figure 5-2 contains the waveforms of a short-circuit test with the soft turn-off feature activated. As the figure shows, when the SiC MOSFET undergoes soft turn-off, the Vds...
As the figure shows, when the SiC MOSFET module is switched off, the Vds overshoot value is approximately 450 V. Figure 5-2 contains the waveforms of a short-circuit test with the soft turn-off feature activated. As the figure shows, when the SiC MOSFET undergoes soft turn-off, the Vds...
As the figure shows, when the SiC MOSFET module is switched off, the Vds overshoot value is approximately 450 V. Figure 5-2 contains the waveforms of a short-circuit test with the soft turn-off feature activated. As the figure shows, when the SiC MOSFET undergoes soft turn-off, the Vds...