“And with the new generation, we were going to have to take the depth of integration to a new level.” A total of 13 ebm-papst employees working across three sites were enlisted to address this challenge. Although nothing could be done about the number of motors an...
Looking for a volunteer to test it, and spotting Gordon, Cubbage hands him the weapon and gives him a quick tutorial on using the launcher's laser guide and how it can allow for the rockets to be steered past the defenses of a Gunship. ...
Rattmann's hints stop just before GLaDOS' massive Sentry Turret ambush, suggesting that he was unable to go on past this point. GLaDOS tells Chell that the Companion Cube does not talk, and that if it ever did, to not believe what it said. This is a connection to Portal 2: Lab Rat...
The rhythmic note that has three beats is called a half note. The dotted half note looks like a normal half note, except that it has a small dot on the right side next to the note head. Dotted notes add ½ of the original note value to the note....
In 1991, Warner Bros., the popular film studio,opened a series of retail storesselling everything from Looney Tunes to DC Comics merchandise. By 1997, there were more than 100 locations, including a three-story building at 1 Times Square. A few years later, AOL Time merged with Warner, ...