Half Moon Cay是荷美邮轮旗下的私家岛屿 原来的岛名叫San Salvador 坐落在拿骚东南100英里 拥有2.5英里长的新月形天然沙滩 这也是Half Moon Cay名字的来源 在北美游客评价分数极高 早在1997年,荷美以区区6百万美金的低价 将其从诺唯真邮轮航线手中买下 作为自己的私家岛屿 专供加勒比和巴拿马运河航线游客 当然,荷...
网址——http://halfmooncayvacation.com/ Half Moon Cay是荷美邮轮旗下的私家岛屿。 原来的岛名叫San Salvador。 坐落在拿骚东南100英里, 拥有2.5英里长的新月形天然沙滩,这也是Half Moon Cay名字的来源。 游客评价分数极高。 前世今生 早在1997年,荷美以区区6百万美金的低价, 将其从诺唯真邮轮航线手中买下,...
Half Moon Cay is located near the Guanaja Island in Honduras, just two miles from the coast. Moreover, there is an airport just three miles from the island, providing domestic and international flight transfer services, making this secluded paradise effortlessly reachable. 占地9.2英亩的Half Moon C...
Port Map Port Half Moon Cay cruise ship schedule shows timetable calendars of all arrival and departure dates by month. The port's schedule lists all ships (in links) with cruises going to or leaving from Half Moon Cay, Bahamas Carnival private island. To see the full itineraries (ports of...
Half Moon Cay, The Bahamas After you see the pristine beaches and breathtaking turquoise waters, it's no surprise to learn that Half Moon Cay was named Best Private Island. But it held the title for more than 20 years… and you don't earn that type of respect without having great ways...
More Things To Do In RelaxAway, Half Moon Cay, Bahamas From thrilling adventure to secluded relaxation, RelaxAway, Half Moon Cay has it all. Here are some of many excursions and exclusives available on the island. Featured Shore Excursions ...
很快接驳船来到,约十分钟就到达了半月岛(Half Moon Cay),也被称为小圣萨尔瓦多岛 (Little San Salvador Island),这是巴哈马群岛中的一个私人岛屿,属于荷美游轮公司(Holland America Line)。 该岛屿因其独特的地理形状,类似于半个月亮的形状,以其原始的自然美景、细腻的白色沙滩和清澈的蓝色海水而闻名,是一个理想...
25 Things To Do On RelaxAway, Half Moon Cay RelaxAway, Half Moon Cay, our enchanting private-island paradise, is your playground for the day. Immerse yourself in an array of captivating experiences, from blissful relaxation amidst the soothing sounds of the sea to embarking on ...
cruises that have mentioned Ted when they have visited Half Moon Cay. Ted likes apples. They have tried to take one or two with them when they are on the island as a treat for Ted. Can I take some apples off the ship for Ted? Essiesmom Rare 36.5k November 13, 2007 Coastal GA ...
半月岛 Half Moon Island *点击以缩略图片,查看大图!半月岛,顾名思义就是像弯弯月亮的小岛。阿根廷的科考基地主要驻扎在这里,考虑到天气原因和安全因素,南极的研究基地大都只在夏天开放进行活动,冬天来临前,所有人都需要撤出南极。 如果将南极最华美的景色收入镜头,请来半月岛,它如同极地皇冠上镶嵌的艳丽宝石, 魅力...