Welcome to the results of our 2024 “Best Half Marathons in the U.S.” poll! Here we crown the top half marathon in every U.S. state as chosen by you, the runners. THANK YOU to all who voted — your overwhelming support enabled us to compile this list with confidence.Whether you’...
Whether you want to participate in one marathon, half-marathon, or 5K, pick up a couple of new states in your quest to finish all 50, or you want to take the ultimate challenge and run every race in a series, we encourage you to join us. Walkers are just as welcome as runners: no...
Welcome to the Tamarack Health WhistleStop Marathon and Half- Marathon on Chequamegon, pronounced (She-Wah-Me-Gon), Bay in Ashland, Wisconsin, where you will “Find yourself next to the water!” Join us on our beautiful marathon course that begins in Iron River, Wisconsin and finishes in As...
The first runners were crossing the finish line of the Philadelphia Half Marathon on Saturday. Jasmine Payoute reports.Nov 18, 2023 embed code copied Sports Philadelphia 76ers hold 7th annual Youth Foun... Fran Dunphy coaches in 1,000th game, honored ... Eagles Super Bowl MVP QB Jalen ...
Join San Blas Half Marathon It is a pleasure to invite you to the annual edition of the world’s most famous half marathon, Medio Maratón San Blas, here in our beloved city of Coamo. It has been 54 years that the people of Coamo have ?proudly received thousands of visitors, especially...
How to Run a half marathon in all 50 states! Pick a state to see tips for running, traveling and nutrition plans for your next half marathon!
In descriptive characteristics, a significant difference was found between sex and race distance (χ2(2) = 7.36, p = 0.025), with the majority of 10-km runners female (67 %), while most of the half-marathoners and (ultra-)marathoners were male (55 and 67 %, respectively...
The purposes of the present study was to investigate the motives for training and competing among participants in a half-marathon race. A descriptive quantitative research design was developed using a questionnaire to examine the half-marathon runners' interest in running and competiti...
2019 Xtra Loony Half Marathon – September 21, 2019 – Bettendorf, IowaSearch: BibFirst NameLast NameFinish TimeCityStateAgeGender 1 Dee Dee Urquhart 2:57:04 West Hills CA 60 f 2 David Grudzien 3:03:48 Waukesha WI 61 m 3 Luz Villamil 3:54:21 Long Beach CA 62 f 5 Hollie Ashby ...
35 3 Hancock Canal Run 2014 Division Results Half Marathon Rank 64 65 66 67 Bib Name 64 Kyle Larson 8 Erik Manninen 25 David Sartin 160 Arnie Bolo City / State Atlantic Mine, Mi El Paso, Tx Hancock, Mi Ontonagon, Mi Number of records: 154 AG (Rank) M16-19 (5) M35-39 (12) ...