Half-Life Wiki is a comprehensive database focusing on the legendary, science-fiction universe of first-person shooters, created by [[Valve Corporation]] in 1998 with the release of ''[[Half-Life]]'' on the PC platform. The story spans five main story ar
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Half-Life: AlyxGordon in-game.Gordon is shown to Alyx by the G-Man at the end of Half-Life: Alyx. The G-Man appears to Alyx and gives her the chance to have something she doesn't know she wants yet. The G-Man takes her to the future and gives her the powers to kill the ...
InHalf-Life: Alyxthey are water flavored and occasionally egg flavored. Gallery A ration dispenser in theCity 17 Trainstationmain hall. Food package model. The food package after spawning. Note the HUD displaying the MP5K icon. Appearances ...
而对于一手缔造了这个传奇IP的Valve公司来说,这何尝又不是一场笑话。即便他们用《Half-Life: Alyx》证明了自己宝刀未老,但在谈及“3”这个数字时,他们头上的阴云却仍然显得如此沉重。 当拥有一个缔造了行业传奇的成就时,却看着它逐渐变成团队内斗、创意枯竭与公司裹足不前的某种“论证依据”时,想必谁心里头都...
It is later featured in Half-Life: Alyx as a usable weapon initially called Pistol, starting in the form of a traditional pistol that can be upgraded throughout the game, eventually turning into the weapon Alyx uses in Half-Life 2.
Half-Life: Alyxis asingleplayerfirst-personshootergame developed and published byValve. It is part of theHalf-Lifeseries. The game was released on Steam on March 23, 2020. General information Steam Community Discussions Availability•Link
Welcome to the IGN Half-Life: Alyx Wiki Guide, which covers the range of Achievements, Enemies, Items: Collectibles, Gear, Weapons, and more. This is also the
Half-Life Wiki Explore In-Universe Real-World Games Half-Life: Alyx Sign In Explore Fan Central Current AdvertisementThe Half-Life & Portal Encyclopedia 1,041 pages Explore In-Universe Real-World Games Half-Life: Alyx in: Good articles, Combine weapons, Weapons, ...