《Half-Life 1 VR》半条命1VR 2023-01-05 Quest游戏· 冒险/动作 3.23k 497 推广 类型:射击、动作、冒险、角色 联机:单人离线 大小:2.6GB 版本:2023年1月4号v1.5.1.29 语言:英文 平台:Quest、Quest 2、Meta Quest Pro 下载价格为9硬币,VIP免费升级VIP立即购买 VIP高速下载地址,包含百度网盘、直链、123...
3.8 Free Half-Life Patch Patch for one of the best 3D action games 4.2 Paid Half-Life Premium action-packed FPS 4.3 Paid Half-Life: Alyx The VR Franchise Returns 3.8 Free Half-Life 2: Episode One Official trailer to the upcoming Episode One 4.1 Free Half-Life 2: Episode Two The Second...
Half-Life VR: episode one on the way Posted onSeptember 29, 2013 We’re currently in the process of wrapping up the latest release of Half-Life VR, which will include HL2: episode 1 VR support. Over the last month a lot of work has gone into the mod, in both new features and fixi...
《V社半条命爱丽克斯vr(Half Life Alyx)》这是v社新出的一款vr模式的僵尸战斗游戏,是一场vr模式的探索,会有各种僵尸之类的敌人出现在周围,注意周围的情况,消灭他们,更好的进行生存. V社半条命爱丽克斯vr游戏点评 v社出的一个vr的游戏 在这里进行一些射击战斗 ...
半衰期:艾利克斯(Half-Life: Alyx)VR游戏介绍,热门VR下载推荐 《半条命:爱丽克斯》(Half-Life: Alyx)是一款备受期待的虚拟现实(VR)第一人称射击游戏。如果你对这类VR游戏感兴趣,可以百度搜索:VR游戏时间站(yxsjz.cn),这里有大量的中文汉化VR游戏下载推荐!剧情:《半条命:爱丽克斯》发生在《半条命2》的...
Half-Life Contents [e] Availability [-]Essential improvements Skip intro videos [+]Game data [+]Video Input [+]Audio VR support [+]Issues fixed [+]Other information System requirements Notes References Warnings This game requires a virtual reality headset (seeVR supportfor details). ...
游戏简介:作为Alyx Vance,您是人类生存的唯一机会。自从“黑梅萨”事件发生以来,联合收割机对地球的控制权得到加强,因为它们束缚了城市中剩余的人口。其中包括一些地球上最伟大的科学家:您和您的父亲Eli Vance博士。作为刚起步的抵抗者的创建者,您一直在进行秘密的科
Half-Life SDK for GoldSource & Xash3D with some bugfixes and features that can be useful for mod makers. See the feature overview on theWiki. Obtaining source code Either clone the repository via git or just download ZIP viaCodebutton on github. The first option is more preferable as it ...
下载地址:https://store.steampowered.com/app/658920/HalfLife_2_VR_Mod/万物皆可游戏 游戏 网络游戏 VR FPS Pico Neo3 不叫徐艺扬的徐艺扬 发消息 接下来播放 自动连播 尝试用Pico neo3打Phigros. 不叫徐艺扬的徐艺扬 434 1 【Pico Neo3】《激燃快鼓》游玩录屏 不叫徐艺扬的徐艺扬 124 0 ...
This mod aims to make Half-Life: Alyx playable without using VR through Keyboard & Mouse. Most things are working, such as hand interactions, button presses, weapons, movement, etc.