Steam现限时免费..steam地址 //今天,valve初创作品划时代的第一人称射击游戏《Half-Life(半衰期)》迎来25周年。现steam可免费领取,截止
名称: Half-Life 类型: 动作 开发商: Valve 发行商: Valve 系列: Half-Life 发行日期: 1998 年 11 月 19 日 访问网站 查看更新记录 阅读相关新闻 查看讨论 查找社区组 嵌入 96 metacritic 阅读游戏评测 在Steam 上查看“Half-Life”全合集作品 购买Half-Life R$ 20,69 添加至购物车 购买Half-Li...
在Steam 手机应用中打开 以轻松购买或添加到愿望单 A new episode from the Half-Life Universe! 标签 免费开玩 动作 第一人称射击 + 想要将此项目添加至您的愿望单、关注它或标记为已忽略,请先登录 功能 单人 Steam 云 在手机上远程畅玩 在平板上远程畅玩 个人资料功能受限 完全支持控制器 Xbox 控制器 ...
也没想到Half-Life 半条命已经发行有 25 年了,现在官方为了庆祝这一里程碑,特意赠送这款游戏,其实之前也送过好几次了,情怀还是挺重要的,入库即可。 获取地址: 截止时间:2023 年 11 月 21 日 2 时 来自反斗限免...
【Steam免费入库质量不错的一款新游,质量相当不错3-4G大小】Age of Water The First Voyage【水的时代第一次航行】 19:44 Battle Room Beta 11:54 Mauled 07:32 Mist of the Undead 06:08 Palia 19:42 LiFE CODE Demo【测试版】有点卡 08:38 EMERGENCY 11:09 Formula Bwoah 05:05 星之後...
You can now play the Half-Life games for free on Steam. However, the offer stands for a limited time only. Essentially, Valve is offering the previous games in the series for free before the release of the next game in the series, titled Half-Life: Alyx. ...
启动Steam《半衰期》专用服务器 菜单选项 Game(游戏): Counter-Strike Team Fortress Classic Day of Defeat Deathmatch Classic Ricochet Half-Life Condition Zero 服务器名称:这是您服务器的名称。 默认情况下,就是您托管的游戏的名称。 地图:已选择要游玩的地图。
And if you have yet to play or own Half-Life, the Steam version is free to obtain. The game wasavailable free of charge briefly yesterday, but the promotion is back up on Steam, with users having until Nov. 20 to claim a copy for their digital library. ...
Half-Life: Alyx is coming in March, and Valve is celebrating early by making all games in the Half-Life Series free to play for Steam users, from now until the day it launches. If you already have Steam installed, you can click the following links to start playing now. ...
The game's central story campaign has 18 main chapters, of which the first five are available in here offered Half-Life: Day One free demo. The full game also features the support for built-in multiplayer modes and support for all popular mods that can transform the game and add to it ...