This page contains a list of cheats, codes, Easter eggs, tips, and other secrets forHalf-Life: Opposing Force for PC. If you've discovered a cheat you'd like to add to the page, or have a correction, pleaseclick EDIT and add it. Cheat mode Load the game using this command line: ...
+sv_cheats 1tells the computer to obey the cheat codes you type in. game gearboxis present anyway, and tells the game to loadOpposing Forcerather than regularHalf-Life. Once playing, access the console by pressing the key left of the ''1'' key on your keyboard, and enter cheats here....
在原作《半条命》(1998年)中,玩家扮演科学家Gordon Freeman清除异形;在《针锋相对》(Opposing Force,1999年)中,则扮演政府派去的特种部队,到黑山研究所里暗杀Gordon Freeman;在《蓝色行动》里则扮演一名普通的守卫Barney Calhoun,在未清除的异形与进驻的政府军队的夹缝中努力带着一些科学家逃出生天,在游戏结尾,我们可...
Half Life Mega Build V2 Jan 1 2025 Full Version 5 comments it is 1gb and 600 mb pls read description for what map means in e3 1998 era controls x for sv_cheats 1 v for noclip m for impulse 101 n for god mode Half Life 1 Project Beta Mega Build Dec 22 2024 Full Version pls ...
- fixed many cheats New Commands: --- timeleft {tells you how much time is left on the map} And you can download it right here. *Note: The config.cfg in the zip is messed up, use this one instead. Monday , June 19, 2000
Lethal Stigma is a multiplayer role-playing first-person shooter for the Source engine. Taking place in the Half-Life 2 universe, LS immerses the player in a familiar world with four exciting gamemodes and a boatload of unique features.
[entity_random_spawner]now allows to spawn entities only once when visiting a map for the first time. Other changes and fixes: Kerotanshave been placed in all vanilla Half-Life maps. You can now toggle slowmotion while using turrets. ...
The map. Hostage rescue located in a valley warehouse. The gameplay is unforgiving, you can not let your guard down. Goldsource Games FGD Collection Aug 27 2021 Script 2 comments Contains, Half Life FGD, HL Blue Shift FGD, HL Opposing Force FGD, Team Fortress Classic FGD, Ricochet FGD,...
Before anything, make sure you have set "sv_cheats" to 1 and restart the map, otherwise nothing will work. You're returning to the menu because the models were not percached, I added a way to work around it, look inside the "Impusle" text file, all you need to do is to type on...
Operation: Sandblast(single map) OpFor Postal(single map byBarry A. Bollinger) Opposing Force Aliens Addonv1.2 Opposing Life2Life(at third map of the "training" stay near the edge of the tram platform to prevent incorrect level change; also there is an innerOpposing Forceflaw of unworki...