A cosmetic change to the sounds of several weapons of Half - Life 2. Changes include all the alien weaponry: e.g. sniper rifle, mounted guns, ar2, airboat's gun, and some conventional guns like smg1 and 357.
Gunplay is nothing special at all. Many games does it a lot better when it comes to gun sounds and the feeling of shooting em. The game does not bring anything revolutionary after all these years. It keeps itself to the original and playing it safe. ...
Sonic Attack Laser Sight - Laser Tripmine 'Gordon Freeman in the Flesh' update for 'The Last Stand' Update: Ammo and Laser Upgrade sounds - HL Deathmatch Weapon and Ammo Respawn New Reload Sounds for Chrome Shotgun, Mac-10 and M60
.50Cal - M2 Browning Machine Gun Minigun - Human Sergeant Minigun Items: Laser Sight - Desert Eagle Laser Sight First Aid Kit - Health Charger/Medkit Defibrillator - Suit Charger Pipe Bomb - Grenade Vomit Jar - Spore Launcher Impact for TLS Update: Hunting Knife added sounds from Opposing ...
Half-Life, stylized as HλLF-LIFE, is a science fiction first-person shooter developed and published by Valve. The player takes the perspective of the scientist Gordon Freeman who struggles to escape an underground research facility after a failed experi
gunpickup1 项目/ suitchargeok1 下载 格式 品质 大小 加载中... 加载失败,点击重新加载 收藏 杂项的声音(Miscellaneous Sounds) / 项目(Items) x1倍 ×0.7倍 ×1倍 ×1.5倍 ×2倍 ×2.5倍 ×3倍 在线编辑 音频编辑器 音频截取 格式转换 速度调节 音量调节 分享 举报 suitchargeok1...
Improved gun sounds (HD/LD); Half-Life: Decay v1.024 Unexpected bit of update (19.01.2024):I had to re-upload version 1.024 due to an incorrect HD Background; Returned and updatedgameui_english.txtanddecay_english.txtfiles; Addedkb_act.lst(option's keys list... including player switching...
ambient/alarms/city_firebell_loop1.wav ambient/alarms/city_siren_loop2.wav ambient/alarms/combine_bank_alarm_loop1.wav ambient/alarms/combine_bank_alarm_loop4.wav ambient/alarms/klaxon1.wav ambient/alarms/manhack_alert_pass1.wav ambient/alarms/razortrain_horn1.wav ...
It all sounds simple, butHalf-Life’s use of grenades showcases two concepts you didn’t typically see in most FPS titles of the day. The first is that your enemies actually have a desire to live or, at the very least, live long enough to kill you. The second is that you won’t...
Half-Life 1 engine based games. Contribute to shawns-valve/halflife development by creating an account on GitHub.