Half-Life 2 Rebalanced is a mod that revamps the gameplay and balance of Half-Life 2. It aims to give HL2's gameplay more variety, make it more difficult and engaging, and to polish and improve the game wherever possible. With the ultimate goal of recrea
Hard-Life is a mod that aims to change how you play Half-Life. The game was difficult back in 1998 but we've all nearly memorized enemy patterns and locations. Rather than raising enemy health and damage in an artificial manner, we decided to overhaul how the the AI works. Enemies are...
The Gunship's belly cannon is not used in Half-Life 2 and its Episodes, and they will only use it if a Gunship is spawned through a console command. The belly cannon will not damage the player if they are in the beam but it will damage nearby NPCs....
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Rankin spent his life cooking meat before Symplicity, including working for Jamie Oliver at Barbecoa steakhouse and opening barbeque restaurant Pitt Cue as head chefPaul Winch-Furness He says products are too processed because manufacturers are too focused on making "a good idea cheaper" and...
Even things like standing on the subway or walking while you talk on the phone,rather than sitting down,can have an impact,says Jacque Crockford,a certified personal trainer.Studies show that these easy activities are associated with lower body weight,better overall health and increas...
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