而Jeff这一关的关卡创意则来自于Half-Life + VR这一概念的初期,开发者们试着将半衰期2中的怪物模型导入到了起源2引擎与VR中。他们观察到:“试玩者会很仔细地观察这些他们已经非常熟悉的老旧(从2004年游戏提取的)模型,并且告诉设计师们,他们在VR中的观察发现了这些模型上的一些以前自己不知道的细节。但是由于在游...
After Gordon defeats the Half-Life final boss, Nihilanth, the ruler of Xen, G-Man brings the player to "safety" in an inexplicable, abstract sequence. Appearing beside Gordon, having stripped him of his armaments while claiming the excuse that "most of them were government property," and sho...
其中最左侧坐着的人便是整个Valve游戏开发以及本文所要介绍的HLA的设计和程序Lead,《军团要塞》系列游戏制作人Robin Walker。 而Jeff这一关的关卡创意则来自于Half-Life + VR这一概念的初期,开发者们试着将半衰期2中的怪物模型导入到了起源2引擎与VR中。他们观察到:“试玩者会很仔细地观察这些他们已经非常熟悉的...
this together with a very annoying final boss fight and outdated graphics really makes me wonder how anyone saw this game as a classic. I'll agree that a lot of the charm is lost through time, but largely I feel very apathetic with my time with Half-Life....
Added subtitles, switched from FG-42 to Double Barrel in Sic2, revamped Sic2 Final Boss Fight Half-Life: Retrograde Mod - Generator Room Remake Feb 8 2025Retrograde This past week, I’ve been rebuilding the generator section of the first chapter with a fresh approach to level design. This...
Residual Life is in fact in development since 2008, and has since got yearly updates and add-ons, culminating in the "1.9" final update with all levels, endings, and secrets. Although there are 2.0, 2.01, now 2.05 versions, they are just "polishing" which for example make select level ...
I loved the music before fighting the final boss, it was so intense and non-military that it's still one of my favorites tracks for Half-Life. You don't have the flashlight but you've an infrared vision but sometimes it's not practical, especially when you're in Foxtrot Uniform, in ...
Titled “Freeman with a BOX” (the capitals are necessary), the new mod from Tepa6ant challenges Half-Life players to carry an innocuous cardboard box from the very first level right through to the final boss fight. The box appears outside Gordon Freeman’s changing room after donning the...
Oh, that's just Jeff. Oh, don't worry, he can't see. Hears just fine, though. Got an ear like Mozart.Larry Jeff is the name given to the zombie-like creature by Larry and acts as the titular mini-boss in Chapter 7 of Half-Life: Alyx. Jeff is a humanoid z
A new Half-Life 2 speedrun tears the second expansion for the sci-fi shooter into bits, catapulting Gordon Freeman through the sky as Valve likely sheds tears.