半条命2 Half-Life 2 Combine Soldier/联合士兵/合成人士兵 资源编号 :10023005 格式:max 文件体积 :18m 下载量 :13 云检查 3dsMax截图 云检查详情 3dsMax工具内截图透视图 默认明暗处理 云检查收起 方式:3dsMax工具内截图 环境:3dsMax 2022, windows10 ...
The model of the 2002 Combine Soldier from Half-Life 2, recreated using the original Valve texture given out by PelPix123 and using the 2003 HL2 Leak model. Also includes voice replacements, to make the Combine use the original radio voice lines when attacking and speaking. It also replaces...
Combine soldier Half-Life 2: Episode Two mod|TBD summary blog files videos images A feeling of helplessness, cold and alienation in conditions when no one will help you and all you have is an ice ax in your hands and the last magazine in a clip of weapons that were created to destroy ...
六图网提供精美好看的视频音效素材模板下载,本次视频音效作品主题是半条命2 Half-Life 2 Combine Soldier/联合士兵/合成人士兵,编号是3755955,格式是max,该半条命2 Half-Life 2 Combine Soldier/联合士兵/合成人士兵素材大小是3.73 MB。半条命2 Half-Life 2 Combine
Oh, that's just Jeff. Oh, don't worry, he can't see. Hears just fine, though. Got an ear like Mozart.Larry Jeff is the name given to the zombie-like creature by Larry and acts as the titular mini-boss in Chapter 7 of Half-Life: Alyx. Jeff is a humanoid z
Reddit用户“TheCynicMimic”最近发布了《半条命2(Half Life 2)》的AI增强高清材质包。这个材质包使用了Topaz Gigapixel改善了游戏中的主角和敌人的建模,也改善了一部分武器、道具和载具的建模。 使用了这个AI增强高清材质包以后,《半条命2》中的角色和道具等等的表现都有所提升了,重要的是,这种高清材质包可以完美地...
The Overwatch Sniper is a soldier in the Combine Overwatch, trained in the use of the Overwatch Sniper Rifle. Snipers are encountered hiding in high, concealed areas where they can get a good field of view. They are never seen holding their rifle but the
六图网提供精美好看的视频音效素材模板下载,本次视频音效作品主题是半条命2 Half-Life 2 Combine Soldier PrisonGuard 狱警,编号是3755947,格式是JPG,该半条命2 Half-Life 2 Combine Soldier PrisonGuard 狱警素材大小是1.29 MB。半条命2 Half-Life 2 Combine Soldier P
And when you get into the flow state of reloading, fast-teleporting to new cover points, using the Russells to return enemies' grenades, and lining up Combine soldier kill shots, you'll come out of a battle utterly thrilled. What's more, by removing the awkward and often ineffect...
半条命2 Half-Life 2 Combine Soldier PrisonGuard 狱警 资源编号 :7676994 格式:max 文件体积 :6m 下载量 :7 云检查 3dsMax截图 云检查详情 3dsMax工具内截图透视图 默认明暗处理 云检查收起 方式:3dsMax工具内截图 环境:3dsMax 2022, windows10 参数:透视图 高质量 默认明暗处理 ...