在3DM Mod站下载其他游戏最新的半条命 艾利克斯 移除 VR | Half-Life Alyx NoVR Mod,由bfeber制作。芙兰朵露在我们的平台上分享了这个免费且高质量的游戏模组,让玩家们可以享受到更加丰富的游戏体验。快来3DM Mod站下载并尝试吧! 详细介绍 Mod作者: bfeber Mod版本: 1.0 Mod大小: 49.00MB 更新时间: 2023-10...
不一定要v社那个 6000左右的电脑 加上5000多的vr 就够了
Exactly a week after the VR-only Half-Life: Alyx launched, a mod that lets you run it on your desktop with a mouse and keyboard—with no VR headset or controllers needed—is here. Before you pony up the $60 for Half-Life: Alyx, though, be warned: the Half-Life: Alyx MK (Mouse...
alyx不用vr玩那就是一个特别平庸的射击游戏了...这游戏很多设计都是基于vr做的,不推荐你用那个无vr mod去玩 来自Android客户端7楼2023-11-21 22:01 回复 噗嘻素锅 预购神壕 11 没VR这游戏就没有玩的必要零乐趣 8楼2023-11-21 23:46 回复 ...
我试了半天 还是提示VR 初始化失败 不知道哪里出问题了
A mod that allows you to play Half-Life: Alyx without VR is now playable from start to finish.
游戏:half-life:alyx/半衰期:爱丽克斯/半条命:爱丽克斯VR设备:小派artisan+index手柄电脑配置:GTX1066 I5-8400 16GB该视频请用以下设备或者方式观看:1.使用头戴式3D播放器(手机盒子)2.任何一款VR设备(需要缓存或者特定播放器支持 例如GizmoVR Video Player)3.使用平
The excellent Half-Life Alyx No VR mod has a new update, so now you can play more of Valve's game and earn all the Steam achievements.
The work going into the Half-Life Alyx NoVR mod is quite amazing, and while it was already very playable the next major update coming in October is going to really expand it. Even in the version available now, you can complete Half-Life: Alyx with it but it's still not quite t...
The easiest to use and most flexible NoVR mod for Half-Life: Alyx! This mod allows you to play Half-Life: Alyx without a VR headset, not needing specialized drivers or anything like that. It allows you to play the game in any way and anywhere you like...