ModDBpage Previous game Half-Life 2: Episode Two Next game N/A Half-Life: AlyxisValve’s VR return to theHalf-Lifeseries, built on theSource 2engine. It’s the story of an impossible fight against a vicious alien race known as theCombine, set between the events ofHalf-LifeandHalf-Lif...
戈登也遭遇了外星军队单元,XEN卫兵(Alien Grunts), 并且他在一个警卫意外地把他自己,一个科学家和一堵墙使半条命系列最强大的武器之一,τ中微子炮(又译τ粒子炮,Tau Cannon)超载爆炸之后找到了它。很快,他到达了外部去寻找拉姆达中心(Lambda Complex)。 一些细节: ·如果玩家通过按一个本应在墙那边按的按钮打开...
并没有这个MOD,把 “:” 后面的删掉倒是有一个。而且半条命2没有所谓的创意工坊。
Snowdrop Escape is a story-driven mod that unfolds a few years before the events of Half-Life 2. You take on the role of a professional mercenary named James, hired by an organization opposing both the alien Invaders and the rebels. 安裝遊戲 Amalgam...
Half Life 1 SDK LICENSE You may, free of charge, download and use the SDK to develop a modified Valve game running on the Half-Life engine. You may distribute your modified Valve game in source and object code form, but on...
The Vortigaunts (taxonomic designation: Xenotherium subservilia[2] or "Subservient Alien Beast"), formerly known as "Alien Slaves", "Xen Slaves", or more affectionately known as "Vorts" by their allies, are species of sapient alien found throughout the H
Half-Life, stylized as HλLF-LIFE, is a science fiction first-person shooter developed and published by Valve. The player takes the perspective of the scientist Gordon Freeman who struggles to escape an underground research facility after a failed experi
In Half-Life 2, you once again assume the role of Gordon Freeman, the theoretical physicist and dimension-hopping commando who saved the world from an alien invasion at the end of Half-Life. Or did he? Half-Life 2 starts you off facing the infamous G-Man, the mysterious blue-suited cha...
The Half-Life 2 team was about to enter a very serious crunch mode--a period of intense development that would last until the game was finished, hopefully in mid-September. The days of working on a project with no time pressure and an unlimited budget were a distant memory. Newell had ...
half-life2:mmod是半条命2的升级版拥有更高的画质,还添加了新的武器,优化了持枪/换弹动作,十分推荐下载 注意:此模组需要hl2,ep1,ep2和hl2:update[半条命的画质mod,可以在steam上下载] 下载地址,模组具体内容和安装方式见下楼 520764 半条命2吧 传说灬雷人 Half-Life 2: Update 分享12赞 半条命吧 传说灬雷人 ...