For lingering Half-Life 3 hopefuls, Newell played into the joke and said "the number 3 must not be said" in reply to one Redditor's question about the status of HL3 or HL2: Episode Three. This doesn't exactly mean Half-Life 3 will never exist, but it certainly gives the impression...
It'sHalf-Life, so who knows. As in previously released games, Valve said it "plans" on adding a commentary track toHL:A, though that's "unlikely" to happen in time for the game's March launch. And when asked whether this new game will include a train sequence, like other classicHal...
虽然是一款时隔16年的老IP,但当《Half-Life: Alyx》宣传片出现时还是掀起了热议——V社真的不会数3。 在YouTube和Twitter上,《Half-Life:Alyx》的预告片在发布后的24小时内就获得了超过1000万的点击量,评论数量达到数十万条,Reddit上的帖子涌现出成千上万条附加评论。 《Half-Life: Alyx》或许也如当初《Half...
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Half-Life series writer Marc Laidlaw has retired from franchise creator Valve and is “no longer working on Valve games in any capacity,” according to an e-mailed statementsharedon Reddit this week. Multiple sources verify the statement’s authenticity. ...
虽然是一款时隔16年的老IP,但当《Half-Life: Alyx》宣传片出现时还是掀起了热议——V社真的不会数3。 在YouTube和Twitter上,《Half-Life:Alyx》的预告片在发布后的24小时内就获得了超过1000万的点击量,评论数量达到数十万条,Reddit上的帖子涌现出成千上万条附加评论。
Share on Reddit (opens in a new window) Share on Hacker News (opens in a new window) Share on Flipboard (opens in a new window) There's two pieces of Half-Life related news today. First of all, the Half-Life: Alyx dev team has posted an AMA on Reddit, and they actu...
TS-SWL: Are there any current plans after Episode 3 to have a Half Life 3? DL: We haven’t announced anything specific, but Half-Life won’t end at Episode Three – hang on to your crowbars! TS-SWL: For Portal, can you explain in layman’s terms how the engine allows the mechani...
虽然是一款时隔16年的老IP,但当《Half-Life: Alyx》宣传片出现时还是掀起了热议——V社真的不会数3。 在YouTube和Twitter上,《Half-Life:Alyx》的预告片在发布后的24小时内就获得了超过1000万的点击量,评论数量达到数十万条,Reddit上的帖子涌现出成千上万条附加评论。