Half-Life 2 RTX is a free DLC for all Half-Life 2 owners developed by Orbifold Studios, a collective of passionate, community-assembled developers behind Half-Life 2: VR, Half-Life 2: Remade Assets, Project 17, and Raising the Bar: Redux. ...
22 2 7 7 硬件配置:i9 13900hx+RTX4060laptop 画质设置:2.5k(1600p)分辨率,使用默认画质设置(4060默认开启光追,cnn dlss超分性能档和插帧,其他设置未调整)。实际帧数表现:挺吃配置的,开启性能模式超分加插帧后实际帧数也只有60到70左右,有一些不跟手。但是画质表现比原版的确进步巨大。
Half-Life 2 RTX delivers a new way to experience Valve's classic, using cutting-edge rendering tech to bring the game to life in a way never before possible...
测试设备:Legion R9000P 8G VRAM Render Preset: Low Render Preset: Medium Render Preset: High Render Preset: Ultra
当前缓冲中 下载客户端 缓存视频不卡顿 【映维网】Half-Life 2: RTX 【映维网】Half-Life 2: RTX 2023年8月23日发布 映维网 20人关注 关注 01:09 【映维网】Half-Life 2: RTX 映维网 讨论 登录参与讨论 这里的评论内容走失了 请检查网络后,点击空白处重试...
Half-Life 2 RTX Remix is already using NVIDIA's new RTX Neural Shaders and DLSS 4 upgrades, and it's a game-changer for image quality and performance.
官方表示:“欢迎来到17号城市!为了庆祝《半条命2》20周年,我们将赠送一款独家定制的RTX 4080 SUPER显卡,突出了标志性的戈登·弗里曼。” 这款外观独特的显卡无法用钱买到。获得它的唯一方法是参加英伟达在推特、Instagram、Facebook或TikTok上的赠品活动。规则很简单,点赞帖子并使用“HalfLife2RTX”标签回复。
Half-Life 2 RTX: An RTX Remix Project is being developed by four of Half-Life 2’s top mod teams, now working together under the banner of Orbifold Studios. Using the latest version of RTX Remix, the modders are rebuilding materials with Physically Based Rendering (PBR) properties, adding...
Wishlist Half-Life 2 RTX on Steam today, and download a new NVIDIA RTX Remix update to enhance your modding with new features and tools.
“Half-Life 2 RTX is an interpretation, right? We're pretty proud of it. We think we're doing a lot of research to get it pretty on point. If people disagree, which is entirely their right to do so, then they have the tools to go and make that alternative interpretation.” ...