Half-Life2控制台不过这样输这个那个的累啊要是整罗马全面战争的规模不还把人累死了所以笔者就自己想辙后来发现在x Half-Life2控制台 如何呼叫怪物? 首先的第一个步骤 先输入"sv_cheats 1"开启密技 接下来: 输入"npc_create npc_*"之后 该单位就会出现在玩家准心所指的位置 *是该单位的名称 例如说你要呼叫...
cl_showfps 1 - Shows frames per second in game npc_create - Creates an NPC (works in worlds that have an NPC entity) npc_create_aimed - Creates an NPC aiming away from the player. picker - Toggles ''picker'' mode. setpos - Move player to specified origin (must have sv_cheats 1 ...
半条命2作弊首先要在桌面半条命2的快捷方式上添加"-console"这个命令行参数,"C:Program FilesHalf-Life 2hl2.exe" -console。然后进入游戏,按“~”呼出控制台,就可以输入以下作弊代码: god - God mode (server side only) give - Gives a weapon or an item (see the list below) buddha - Reduces your ...
Limit the number of texture units. (Add number in place of #) (0=Default) sv_cheats 1 Activates Cheats impulse 76 Grunt-O-Matic 2008-03-17 22:19:33 补充: 其他上呢个website gamespot/pc/action/halflife2/hints?om_act=convert&om_clk=tabs&tag=tabs;cheats参考: gamespot ...
All of these console commands also applies to Half-Life 2: Episode One, Half-Life 2: Episode Two, Half-Life 2: Lost Coast. cvarlist command only prints description up to 128 characters, so this page has it's description manually corrected to show the full text. Descriptions with ** ...
半条命2秘籍和命令(Half life 2 secrets and commands)In this paper, we are presented with the secret of half life.I hope you can read it carefully, and it will help you to master the secret of half-life, so that you can experience more exciting game life in the game.Sv_cheats 1 ...
为《Half-Life: Alyx》开发的NPC自主移动(Locomotion)技术测试 😎 http://t.cn/A6AQgKnO
Npc_create[name]callstotheNPC Npc_create_challengecallsanNPC Setposcoordinatetransfer Sv_gravity#setsthegravityvalue Sv_stopspeed#setstheminimumstopspeed Thesv_friction#setsthefriction Sv_bounce#simulateobjectcollision? Sv_maxvelocity#setsthemaximumspeedformovingobjects ...
对了,不管什么Npc,都不太会用Rpg(最搞笑的是一堆反抗军拿着Rpg轰侦察机,还不回更改方向.漫天的火箭弹乱飞)你敢来吗?你不敢吧?哈哈哈哈!http://tieba.baidu.com/f?ct=&tn=&rn=&pn=&lm=&sc=&kw=%C8%E7%B7%E7fans&rs2=0&myselectvalue=1&word=%C8%E7%B7%E7fans&tb=onCD%A5 6楼2009-03...