Half-Life 2 2002 Weapons Pack Reborn 1y3d 4730.7k38 Smoother Grenade Worldmodel 2d 92746 SubscribeSubscribe5360 Welcome Welcome to GameBanana 17. If your submission requiresHL2DMorMModto work due to file changes, post it to the right section or make it an alternate download option. ...
@h-a-s-k , I've made a simple mod which is up on GameBanana [link below] that alters Counter-Strike 1.6's resource files to recreate the CS1.5 logo. This should hopefully fit CS better. It also has the sounds. https://gamebanana.com/mods/481877 0Ky commented Nov 30, 2023 @sabi...
Not for MMod!The only thing i couldn't do is to identify original mod creator (the mod is pretty old and can't be found anywhere), so if anyone knows - please let me know.I hope you will like it, and Happy New Year! :DINSTALLATION:Extract the .vpk file into your "custom" ...
All the reused Half-Life 1 sounds that can be found in Half-Life 2's files replaced with the improved ones from Senn_'s Half-Life Full Audio Remaster, ported with their permission. I checked everything in HL2's sound folders and replaced anything that was directly pulled from HL1, ...
this is for mmod 1.3 i say this is version 1.2 referring to the reanimation it self (previous one was v1.1 on gamebanana and it was very outdated) On second thought: im removing the "version" number to avoid confusion. i'm pretty much going to continue updating this here. Reply Good...
Half-Life Blue Shift: MMod V8 (OUTDATED) Dec 26 2024Full Version1 comment Basically the final version of the mod. Half-Life Blue Shift: MMod v7 (OUTDATED) Dec 14 2024Full Version2 comments This new version fixes some things (nothing) and adds more enemies on all of the maps. ...
Half Life 1: MMod offers : - Revised gunplay, dynamic weapon bullet spread, smooth recoil. - Enhanced player and visual feedback - Minor AI tweaks, nearly every character blinks - New weapon animations - Built in chapter selection system ...
May 9th, 2022 Size 86.21mb (90,393,619 bytes) Downloads 5,256 (1 today) MD5 Hash c6af4fe89f776c8f68093854a1c79564 Embed Button Embed Widget 86.21mbDownload Now Description First release with Lost Coast support. Portal Gun weapon icon by RealBeta, uploaded to GameBanana by RaraKnight.Read...
Gamebanana.com Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes Creator EksCelle - Jan 15 2012 - 182 comments I might use it later, but right now I'm working on older industrial areas of Black Mesa and the HL2 textures are working fine for now. Reply Good karma+1 vote Vurufarmacija - Jan...
Moddb.com Half Life Alyx Textures for HL2 now available to Moddb and Gamebanana Jun 4 2020 News Several months back i created a retexture pack by using HL:A textures that was exclusive the Gamebanana is now available in Moddb! Moving to a different site and also New Update Apr 2 2020...