Half-Life 2 stuck on DirectX v8.0 • LinkUse command line argument[4] Run the game with -dxlevel 95 command line argument. Configure the desired video settings. Remove the command line before starting the game again. Notes Not removing the command line will cause the game to set the...
Half-Life is an action/first-person shooter released for PC in 1998 by Valve. Playing as physicist Gordon Freeman, players find themselves as the catalyst for a significant invasion when they analyze a crystal of alien origin that rips open a portal to t
Half-Life, stylized as HλLF-LIFE, is a science fiction first-person shooter developed and published by Valve. The player takes the perspective of the scientist Gordon Freeman who struggles to escape an underground research facility after a failed experi
Half-Life was influential in many little ways, popularising several gameplay devices which have subsequently become standards, such as: The between-episode text which appears, overlaid on the screen, before slowly fading out (adopted not just in other computer games, but in several different Linux...
The goal of Half-Life 2 : MMod is to enhance and expand gunplay, combat mechanics and the immersion factor by giving the Player more options and combat opportunities as well as refine how the Player handles his arsenal. Half-Life 2 : MMod also offers...
The menu screen for the Steam version of Half-Life. Unforeseen consequences: aliens start entering the facility. More aliens get in, forcing Gordon to take to the maintenance areas. Scared scientists try and keep hidden. Security measures start trying to kill the wrong people. ...
All of these console commands also applies to Half-Life 2: Episode One, Half-Life 2: Episode Two, Half-Life 2: Lost Coast. cvarlist command only prints description up to 128 characters, so this page has it's description manually corrected to show the full text. Descriptions with ** ...
Half-Life 2: Enhanced is a mod for Half-Life 2 that offers more immersive and realistic Half-Life 2. We aim to update Half-Life 2's graphics to the point that it looks nicer, without pushing it to the standards of modern gaming.Post...
Screenshot of Source version of HLMV.Valve ship their own version of Half-Life Model Viewer (HLMV) with the Source SDK specifically for viewing models created for the Source engine. It appears to be based on the original HLMV 1.22 codebase but re-worked to use Source's own 3D viewport ...
Modern SDK for Xash3D engine, with extended physics (using PhysX), improved graphics (dynamic lighting with shadows, HDR, cubemap/screen-space reflections, PBR support, parallax-mapping, bloom, color correction, SSAO, etc). Based on XashXT and Spirit Of Half-Life and includes all features and...