Half-Life 2: Regia di David Speyrer. Con Robert Guillaume, Robert Culp, Louis Gossett Jr., Michelle Forbes. Dr. Freeman is taken out of stasis by his "employer" to help rid the planet of invading aliens forces known as the Combine that entered through th
Following the period of instability caused by the events described in Half-Life, an interdimensional organization known as the Combine invades the Earth, defeating the human forces in the Seven Hour War. A Combine Citadel is erected in City 17, a town...
The G-Man is an enigmatic and mysterious character that appears in nearly every title of the Half-Life series. Referred to as a "sinister inter-dimensional bureaucrat",[4] he is known to display peculiar behavior and wield reality-bending powers. The G-M
This may be a prequel story, taking place five years before Half-Life 2, but you should absolutely be up to date on the events of the series through Half-Life 2: Episode 2 before you play Alyx. (You’ve had 13 years – it's time.) Alyx’s quest starts out as a simple mission ...
There was a significant difference in leveldesign between episode 1 and 2. In episode 1 the maps were overall great however the finishing touch was missing here. For example: HOM holes, doors that weren't correctly opening or closing, floating objects. some area's werent really fitting in th...
A new Half-Life 2 speedrun tears the second expansion for the sci-fi shooter into bits, catapulting Gordon Freeman through the sky as Valve likely sheds tears.
The checkpoint system we had in mind for Logistique is indeed very different than the Half-life 2 experience you enjoyed.The checkpoint system is working well in another titles but is too big a difference for an Half-Life 2 modification. -Some close captions have been improved too! Hope this...
The Combine are back, but you face them (and other terrors) from a different perspective—in more ways than one. Welcome toHalf Life: Alyx.Credit: Valve Game details Developer:Valve Publisher: Valve Platform: Windows PC VR (any PC headset that interfaces with SteamVR, which is nearl...
But overall it’s a fair episode that is maybe worth grabbing if you are longing for more single player Half-Life. Why exactly is it called Half-Quake? Well, it is composed primarily of indoor, dungeon-type areas that have ‘earthy’ textures (as opposed to HL’s lab/tech environments)...