He deleted all the versions of Residual Point, Life, Agent from moddb and there are now only avaible on Naver, but you can still find Residual Life 1.9 onRTSL, Residual Point onmoddb(my own personal files), I chose not to upload again Residual Agent because it's a WIP version. Resid...
This is the mod page for Half-Life: Google Translate Edition, and Half-Life 2: Google Translate Edition. These mods seek to take all of the dialogue, text, and textures of their host games, run them through varying amounts of languages in Google Translate, until the story and atmosphere ...
Once players arrived, they would discover the Combine, a new group of aliens trying to take over Earth, and Dr. Breen, an ominous Big Brother-like figure who appears on television monitors throughout the city. Half-Life 2, like the original, would be a voyage of discovery for the player...
ambient/machines/combine_shield_loop3.wav ambient/machines/combine_shield_touch_loop1.wav ambient/machines/combine_terminal_idle1.wav ambient/machines/combine_terminal_idle2.wav ambient/machines/combine_terminal_idle3.wav ambient/machines/combine_terminal_idle4.wav ambient/machines/combine_terminal_loop1...
我們網站的這個部分提供了我們的下載資料庫中的所有 Garry Half-Life 2 Garry's mod MDL 檔案的完整清單。你可以流覽與 Half-Life 2 Garry's mod 關聯的所有 MDL 檔案,並快速找到所要查找的檔案。立即存取這個頁面,立即找到你的檔案!
npc_combine_s? Combine charger (big dude) npc_manhack Manhack (flying drone/shredder) npc_cscanner Scanner camera npc_turret_floor Turret (untested) npc_crow Static crow (untested) npc_seagull Static seagull (untested) npc_pigeon Static pigeon (untested) npc_vr_citizen_female Female citizen,...
Once players arrived, they would discover the Combine, a new group of aliens trying to take over Earth, and Dr. Breen, an ominous Big Brother-like figure who appears on television monitors throughout the city. Half-Life 2, like the original, would be a voyage of discovery for the player...
Will there be references to expansion packs and Half-Life 2? There will be subtle references toHalf-Life 2,but not the "in-your-face" kind (like directly showing/mentioning the Combine). Will Adrian Shephard slap the snark? No. That’s mean. :( ...
Fnuxray has contributed their animation talent to bring the AR-M1 to life in first person as well! The model was rigged by Cyonsia and originally comes from CS:GO. Screenshots Here are some more screenshot of the aforementioned chapter 2 map. Enjoy!
Half-Life 2: Google Translate Edition is an official sequel to GoldSrc: Google Translated made by BinkusTheTrinkus. This mod follows our hero Cicero travelling in a poorly translated City 17, plagued by the evil Caesar Brian.