在Half-Life 2\bin下找到vpk.exe,然后将整个666文件夹拖到vpk.exe,用vpk.exe打开 之后你的桌面就会出现一个名为666.vpk的文件,将其放到Half-Life 2 Completely V2\Half-Life 2\HL2MMod\VPKs,最后在Half-Life 2 Completely V2\Half-Life 2\HL2MMod_Cinematic_HL2下找到gameinfo.txt,打开,加入下图红色划线...
Modsetti It’s no secret that modding communities are the unsung heroes of the gaming community. Every time we turn around, there's another incredible story of modders shaping the future of gaming. Take The Stanley Parable, which started life as a Half-Life 2 mod, or Enderal sweeping up ...
Half-Life 2: Episode Two: Réalisé par David Speyrer. Avec Robert Guillaume, Merle Dandridge, Tony Todd, John Aylward. Gordon Freeman, along with the help of human and non-human allies, continues his fight against the ruthless alien force known as the C
Half-Life 2: Episode Two: Regie: David Speyrer Mit Robert Guillaume, Merle Dandridge, Tony Todd, John Aylward Gordon Freeman, along with the help of human and non-human allies, continues his fight against the ruthless alien force known as the Combine.
虽然之前pc通关过一次,买了quest2之后,通关半条命alyx不过瘾,突然发现steam商店里居然有免费的半条命2vr(买了pc版才会免费)是商店直接搜half life 2vr就有,是一个制作组做了七年的项目,目前本体第一张第二章都vr化了,操作和alyx一样的,结果没想到居然比alyx还好玩,每个武器都重新做了建模,上子弹的动画也全部重...
,比如爱莉克斯的万用工具(二代中玩家可以看到爱莉克斯用这玩意),比如压榨蚁狮幼虫回血(EP2 中玩家...
Half-Life 2: Episode Two content (ep2) Half-Life 2: Lost Coast content (lostcoast) Half-Life 2 Complete (hl2_complete) On Steam, the game will be launched with hl2_complete, allowing users to switch to HL2, EP1, EP2 and Lost Coast through the menu (similar to The Orange Box on ...
half-life2:mmod是半条命2的升级版拥有更高的画质,还添加了新的武器,优化了持枪/换弹动作,十分推荐下载 注意:此模组需要hl2,ep1,ep2和hl2:update[半条命的画质mod,可以在steam上下载] 下载地址,模组具体内容和安装方式见下楼 miz972 7-31 90 瞎写,没别的,不知道是啥 赫尔默清... 《1221号护卫队队员的...
Modsetti It’s no secret that modding communities are the unsung heroes of the gaming community. Every time we turn around, there's another incredible story of modders shaping the future of gaming. Take The Stanley Parable, which started life as a Half-Life 2 mod, or Enderal sweeping up ...