半条命2(Half-Life 2)是一款由Valve游戏公司开发的一款第一人称射击类游戏,本作是半条命系列游戏的第二部,玩家将在游戏内扮演一位理论物理学家主角戈登·弗里曼,探索17号城、莱温霍姆、新星道监狱和联合军城等多个场景,并与反抗军合作,共同对抗来自联合军的压迫。半条命2游戏首次使用全新的Source引擎,该引擎的物理系...
Content Rating M Blood, Intense Violence, Blood and Gore FranchisesHalf-Life Half-Life 2 Screenshots and Videos All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Half-Life 2 Start Slideshow Reviews Half-Life 2: The Kotaku Review Half-Life 2 has my favorite moment in any game. It’s this: Ril...
half-life (haf'līf) 1.The period in which the radioactivity or number of atoms of a radioactive substance decreases by half; similarly applied to any substance whose quantity decreases exponentially with time. Compare:half-time 2.Time required for the serum concentration of a drug to decline ...
Valve are doing a new edition of the Raising the Bar book that will come out in 2025 which covers the creation of the Half-Life 2, but the new edition will complete the story for the episodes too and have "never-before-seen concept art from Episode One...
A convention for episodes for SMOD, Based on the SMOD Elite and SMOD 2013 === Gibs Based off SMOD and SMOD:Elite SMOD Weapons with 8 new ones Projectile Bullets SlowMotion Recovered Combine Assassin NPCs 3D scope System Utilizes custom .vpk files...
A new Half-Life 2 speedrun tears the second expansion for the sci-fi shooter into bits, catapulting Gordon Freeman through the sky as Valve likely sheds tears.
Half-Life 2 Escape From City 17 Nov 17 2024Released Aug 23, 2024First Person Shooter This is what I consider a small level design project, which I have been working on since September 2023, it consists of 7 levels 40 minutes of gameplay... ...
The right man in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world.The G-Man talking to Gordon during his monologue at the beginning of HL2. Dr. Gordon Freeman is the main protagonist of the Half-Life series. Freeman is a theoretical physicist, fo
[she is interrupted by Elite Combine soldiers breaking into the base she's in] Dr. Judith Mossman: I'm going to cut this short. We may have been spotted. [the camera falls in as the soldiers run past it] Alyx Vance: Where the hell is she? Resistance fighter: [on video] Run for ...
Half-Life 2 Deathmatch Half-Life 2 Jaykin Bacon: Source Half-Life Clan Collision League Half-Life Dedicated Server Half-Life Disc Jockey Half-Life Elite Half-Life Fallout Half-Life Guard Half-Life Model Viewer Half-Life Movie Project