The article presents an interview with David Speyrer, project leader for the development of the Half-Life 2: Episode Two computer game. Speyrer talked about carrying over design elements introduced in Episode One to Episode Two. He also talked about how they plan to keep gamers interested with ...
Computer and Video Games More great story blended with improved AI and better firefights. It's starting to retread old ground though. PC 93 PC Gamer UK Episode Two is the most sumptuous chapter of the Half-Life saga, and by a country mile. It's as if Valve's tech and art teams are...
This Saturday, November 16, is the 20th anniversary of the release of Half-Life 2—a game of historical importance for the artistic medium and technology of computer games. Each day leading up through the 16th, we'll be running a new article looking back at the game and its impact. W...
-LIFE 2: AFTERMATH. HALF-LIFE 2: AFTERMATH.HALF-LIFE 2: AFTERMATH.The article features the video game Half-Life 2: Aftermath from Valve Software and offers information on the developer's goals for the game and teasers on the game's key characters.Elliott...
Half-Life 2, free and safe download. Half-Life 2 latest version: Return to Earth in this massive sequel. Half-Life 2 is the continuation of the action
Sometime in September 2003 Valve's network - including Gabe Newell's own computer - was compromised by a hacker and the worst case scenario soon unfolded. The entire Half-Life 2 source code was released on 4 October, and only 3 days later a playable version of the game surfaced. FBI wa...
With Half-Life 2: Update, there’s never been a better time to revisit City 17. 安裝遊戲 Dystopia 動作, 免費遊玩, 獨立製作 - 發行於: 2009 年 2 月 6 日 Dystopia is a cyberpunk game with tense combat situations in a high-tech world spanned by computer networks. Playing as either ...
This Saturday, November 16, is the 20th anniversary of the release of Half-Life 2—a game of historical importance for the artistic medium and technology of computer games. Each day up through the 16th, we'll be running a new article looking back at the game and its impact. Th...
The newest installment in Geoff Keighley's Behind the Games series covers the turbulent development of Half-Life 2. This special feature takes you behind the scenes on the development of the game at Valve Software, including exclusive details on the infa
Doom和Quake系列,真正出色的游戏其实很少,而Half Life就是其中之一.极棒的游戏性,流畅的故事情节,易上手却又多变的操作.凭借这些优点Half Life当年被PC Gamer杂志评为"有史以来最佳PC游戏".而其任务扩展包Counter Strike的生命力则一直持续至今.而到了今年.在经历了源代码泄露等诸多磨难之后.续作Half Life2终于...