Half-Life 2: Episode Two: Regie: David Speyrer Mit Robert Guillaume, Merle Dandridge, Tony Todd, John Aylward Gordon Freeman, along with the help of human and non-human allies, continues his fight against the ruthless alien force known as the Combine.
I won’t be covering the Episode Two achievements in the same way as I did in theHalf-Life 2 TREEevent, because they are less chapter based. However, theCombineOverWikihas nice list that is very useful. The Replay Experience Experiment This post is part of theThe Replay Experience Experime...
Episode Two is the most sumptuous chapter of the Half-Life saga, and by a country mile. It's as if Valve's tech and art teams are trying to outdo each other: the Source engine has had a striking technical overhaul that renders textures, materials and curves uncannily well, and the arti...
Be the bad guy in this modification for Half-Life 2 : Episode 2 and step into the boots of a stranded Metrocop, left for dead in the abandoned City 10. Experience a time before the fall of City 17 - 11 months before the deployment of Gordon Freeman...
Grey’s life has been nothing but a struggle. A constant downward spiral, and it seems even reality has turned against him. Grey awakens to find that the world has gone quiet, the streets empty. You must find help. Explore the grim world Grey lives...
How to find the "Possible Cause for Broken Teleporter" Easter Egg in Half-Life 2. In Chapter II (Red Letter Day), when you go inside Dr. Kleiner's lab, have a look at the fancy DVD and Video players, meters, etc. You should soon stumble across a Windows
以下为原视频简介: 为了庆祝《半衰期2》发售20周年,我们邀请了《半衰期2》开发团队的成员回顾游戏的开发历程。他们分享了游戏差点因为资金耗尽而停工的经历,被黑客攻击时的感受,与发行商的诉讼纠纷,Steam平台的诞生故事,以及更多幕后趣闻。 0:00 - 介绍 Intro 2:48 - 第一章:提高标准 Chapter One: Raising the ...
A Very Major Modern General is the second chapter in the Half-Life: A Place in the West saga, and continues the story of New Franklin – an American enclave with a mysterious cosmic tower at its heart. Leyla and Albert encounter New Franklin’s military
Here is a very comprehensive walkthrough of Half-Life 2: Episode Two, written especially for PlanetPhillip.Com. It was made possible by the writing and research of Stanley E. Dunigan and the formatting skills of William Barnard. Together, we have created a PDF version that can be viewed bot...
以下为原视频简介:为了庆祝《半衰期2》发售20周年,我们邀请了《半衰期2》开发团队的成员回顾游戏的开发历程。他们分享了游戏差点因为资金耗尽而停工的经历,被黑客攻击时的感受,与发行商的诉讼纠纷,Steam平台的诞生故事,以及更多幕后趣闻。 0:00 - 介绍 Intro 2:48 - 第一章:提高标准 Chapter One: Raising the ...