Half-Life: Remastered Mar 28 2024 Released Dec 24, 2023 First Person Shooter A faithful remaster of the game Half-life. Based on other creators mods, respectfully! (Based on the Xash3D FWGS engine.) Half-Life: Field Intensity Sep 16 2024 Released Feb 2022 First Person Shooter The story...
This is a template for you to make your own Half Life 1 mod to release. (Random Screenshot for logo lol
答:等单人战役完成了,我很乐意把地图改成支持coop的。这个不太容易做到,而且需要大酿的引擎升级。(注:大酿=大量,我保留了一部分原文错别字,这样你【狗头】) Alpha版怎么有Bug啊? 答:你猜他为什么叫Alpha版。 ModDB页面 moddb.com/mods/half-life-enriched 分享到: 投诉或建议...
My name is John Dalton. I have been fighting in the biggest war mankind has ever seen. And that is all I know. They tell me that my parents are dead. They tell me that they found me in a graveyard, disfigured, mutlilated, and clinging to life. I should..
team that first developed the HL1 proof of concept battle demo (over 5 years ago, all the way back on 20th July 2002!) are still in close contact and don't be too surprised if you run into the team again. Sadly, I can't see any possible way that this would involve the Pokemod....
Half-Life: MMod is a free modification to Half-Life by Gunship Mk II that aims to update and enhance the Half-Life experience without harming the core values and mechanics of the original game. All of its features can be toggled and set to the user's liking. HL:MMod also comes with...
推荐一个mod网址 ..想玩游戏看不懂也要谷歌翻出来 里面很多好玩的mod 骑马与砍杀的mod也有 GTA:SA的mod也
【Half-Life】 Steam 安装半条命模组 安装办法参考自B站UP主【百科全叔】的文章 https://www.bilibili.com/read/cv543926 半条命模组在ModDB站上下载资源 https://www.moddb.com/mods mod文件位置 一些模组是可以直接运行的,下载解压后双击目录里的exe文件就行...
Rock, Paper, Shotgun best Mods of 2016 List ModDb Top 100 Mods 2016 不支持简体中文 本产品尚未对您目前所在的地区语言提供支持。在购买请先行确认目前所支持的语言。 社区自制模组 This free, community made Mod requires that you own Half-Life 点击这里了解更多有关 Steam 上的模组。 安装Half-Rats:...
the Half-Life SDK and distributing the resulting DLLs. This includes the deprecated Bunnymod Pro. The downside is that while you can "mod" Half-Life itself, you cannot "mod" another Half-Life mod. This is a serious limitation for speedrunners intending to speedrun Half-Life mods and ...