In order to do this in Half-life / GoldSRC there are a few hoops to jump through, but its rewarding, especially when you see it in game like the screenshot below. Steps In order to create the logo and get it in game we'll have to do the following things: Create the logo Split ...
in VR only makes it more novel. Valve has succeeded at just about every goal it must have had for this project. The only thing left is whether hardcore fans will be willing to buy, and use, a virtual reality headset in order to learn what happens next in the w...
-Half Life inspired and original ideas for puzzles.The Bad-Little too short in my taste. The story could have been easily expanded. It took me not much more than 5 hours to finish the entire game. -Overly expensive, considering it's a) has only new single player additions b) no mult...
In a scene from Half-Life 2: Episode Two, the remains of City 17 can be seen from the countryside. A tornado-like vortex can be seen rising from what was the Citadel, and the center of the city is scattered with pieces of the Citadel. The outskirts of the city appear no less ...
In chapters 11 and 12 there are a few set pieces that don’t fit a larger pattern in the design segments. When the designers were creating Half-Life, they probably did not intentionally create design themes and segments; these things evolved naturally. Some set pieces felt “right” when pl...
At long last, I am pleased to bring you the first major update to Half-Life: Dark Matter in four years! Posted byD3adsonDec 23rd, 2024 Kept you waiting huh..? Yeah... sorry about that, for a long time I had wanted to bring you a proper update but it was a long way down to ...
There are no new enemies or bosses, and it is so short that you would probably complete the game in a day. And what happened to G-Man, that mysterious dude that graced the other two games, as well as much of the Half-Life 2 era? He is only seen at the beginning, and not ...
Half-Life: Lambda Core In this chapter, Gordon arrives at the Lambda Complex, where he believed the science team to be sheltering from the Xenians, only to find that the majority of the complex is now overrun by hostile creatures. He is informed that he must flood the reactor chambers in...
The G-Mancan sometimes be seen on the large rectangular monitors used for Breencasts; in these instances, they will flicker a ghostly version of his image. This can be seen in the "Water Hazard" and "Anticitizen One" chapters ofHalf-Life 2. ...
Harry finds his world is yet again changing: wizards and witches and Muggles alike are dying, despite the efforts of the Ministry of Magic and the Order of the Phoenix. Despite the danger, Harry and his best friends, Ron and Hermione, return to the familiar life of Hogwarts for their ...