Reaction involves the anodic generation of bromine, which oxidises the furan to a carbonium ion intermediate that is quenched with methanol. The final reaction product is a 2,5-dihydro-2,5-dimethoxyfuran, found as a 1:1 mixture of stereoisomers. This electrochemical method gives as good or ... Estimate Driver Power Losses The total power loss in gate driver device such as the LM5108 is the summation of the power loss in different functional blocks of the gate driver device. These power loss components are explained in this section. 1. Equation 4 describes how quiescent ...
Use Equation 2 to calculate the turns ratio of the transformers in the multi-transformer architecture. N = NP = VIN NS 2 ´ NT ´ VLED where • • • • • • N is the primary to secondary turns ratio NP is the primary turns NS is the secondary turns VIN is the ...
voltage of the gate drive IC • VDH = Bootstrap diode forward voltage drop • VHBL = VHBR – VHBH = 6.7 V, HB falling threshold (1) The quiescent current of the bootstrap circuit is 10 µA, which is negligible compared to the Qgs of the MOSFET (see Equation 2 and Equation 3...
ITRIP Implementation Current limit is set by the following equation: ITRIP regulation level = (VITRIP / RIPROPI) X AIPROPI ITRIP IOUT ITRIP regula¡on ac ve VM OUTx GND (2) VOUT IN tOFF tOFF tOFF E.g. with low side load Figure 7-4. Fixed TOFF ITRIP Current ...
Overall, the user needs to meet the conditions of Equation 5: VIN − n × VF ≥ VBOOT_UVLO where: • VIN is the gate driver input voltage • n is the number of external bootstrap diodes placed in series • VF is the forward voltage drop of the bootstrap diode • VBOOT_UVLO... VCC Bypass Capacitor The VCC bypass capacitor provides the gate charge for the low-side and high-side transistors and to absorb the reverse recovery charge of the bootstrap diode. The required bypass capacitance can be calculated with Equation 1. CVCC = (QgH + QgL + Qrr) / ΔV ... Power Dissipation Power dissipation of the gate driver has two portions as shown in Equation 1. PDISS = PDC + PSW (1) The DC portion of the power dissipation is PDC = IQ x VDD where IQ is the quiescent current for the driver. The quiescent current is the current consumed by...
The bootstrap voltage can be approximately calculated in Equation 1 through Equation 3. The bootstrap voltage is given by Equation 1: VBST = VDD – VF – VHS where • VF is the forward voltage drop of the bootstrap diode and series bootstrap switch. (1) VHS is calculated in Equation ...
With this information, the sense resistance RSENSE can be calculated from the equation below. RSENSE = VSENSE / ISTALL = 0.15 / 1 = 0.15 Ω (1) Because the device GND pin voltage will vary with current through the sense resistor, the designers must also ensure that the logic pins meet ...