2、操作GPU设备有关的算子: query_available_compute_devices get_compute_device_info open_compute_device init_compute_device activate_compute_device deactivate_compute_device 3、官方自带的例程get_operator_info.hdev,可以查看支持GPU加速(OpenCL)的算子; 1*Determine all operators that support OpenCL2get_ope...
open_compute_device(DeviceIdentifiers[i], DeviceHandle) break endif endfor if(DeviceHandle#0) set_compute_device_param (DeviceHandle, 'asynchronous_execution', 'false') init_compute_device(DeviceHandle, 'edges_sub_pix') activate_compute_device(DeviceHandle) endif *获得显卡的信息 get_compute_devic...
48 open_compute_device(DeviceIdentifiers[i], DeviceHandle) 49 break 50 endif 51 endfor 52 53 if(DeviceHandle#0) 54 set_compute_device_param (DeviceHandle, 'asynchronous_execution', 'false') 55 init_compute_device(DeviceHandle, 'edges_sub_pix') 56 activate_compute_device(DeviceHandle) 57 e...
query_available_compute_devices get_compute_device_info open_compute_device init_compute_device activate_compute_device deactivate_compute_device 3、官方自带的例程get_operator_info.hdev,可以查看支持GPU加速(OpenCL)的算子; * Determine all operators that support OpenCL get_opencl_operators (OpenCLSupport...
open_compute_device (DeviceIdentifier[1], DeviceHandle) set_compute_device_param (DeviceHandle, 'asynchronous_execution', 'false') init_compute_device (DeviceHandle, 'all') activate_compute_device (DeviceHandle) *** *代码部分 *** *停止 deactivate_compute_device (DeviceHandle)GPU加速 Halcon 分享...
zoom_image_sizecan be executed on OpenCL devices if the input image does not exceed the maximum size of image objects of the selected device. Due to numerical reasons, there can be slight differences in the output compared to the execution on the CPU. ...
Halcon算法加速的基础知识(多核并⾏GPU)⼀、提⾼Halcon的运算速度,有以下⼏种⽅法:1、Multithreading(多线程)2、Automatic Parallelization(⾃动操作并⾏化)3、Compute devices,利⽤GPU提速,如果显卡性能好,⾄少可以提⾼5~10倍的运算速度 ⼆、多线程 1、官⽅⾃带的例程get_operator_info...
DeviceName == 'GeForce 8800 Ultra') open_compute_device (DeviceIdentifiers[Index], DeviceHandle) break endif endfor * init_compute_device (DeviceHandle, 'derivate_gauss') read_image (Image, 'rings_and_nuts') * * Gaussian convolution on a compute device activate_compute_device (DeviceHandle)...
add_image can be executed on an OpenCL device for byte, int1, int2, uint2, int4, real, direction, cyclic, and complex images. However, since for OpenCL 1.0 only single precision floating point is supported for all devices, and not all rounding modes are supported, the OpenCL ...
map_imageis parallelized automatically if and only ifMapuses bilinear interpolation.map_imageis executed on an OpenCL compute device only if the input map is of type 'coord_map_sub_pix' and if the input image does not exceed the maximum size of image objects of the selected device. ...