#define H_ERR_WHDL 2450 /* Wrong (unknown) HALCON handle */ #define H_ERR_WID 2451 /* Wrong HALCON id, no data available */ #define H_ERR_IDOOR 2452 /* HALCON id out of range */ #define H_ERR_HANDLE_NULL 2453 /* Handle is NULL */ #define H_ERR_HANDLE_CLEARED 2454 ...
Halcon文件导出为C#的过程以及遇到的一些问题halcon文件导出成C#过程 找一个halcon例子 2.在VS中创建一个winform项目,添加一个按钮 3.添加halcondotnet引用...halcon5200#: File not foundinoperatorread_image这里是因为图片的文件名为中文,改正后就可以正常运行halcon窗体在控件外面 将openWindow的0 基于HALCON的机器...
【Halcon 编程】Halcon编程问题总结 1. 使用算子处理图像基本流程 *关闭当前窗体dev_close_window()*读取图像read_image(Image,'test.jpg')*图像尺寸get_image_size(Image,Width,Height)*打开窗体dev_open_window(0,0,Width,Height,'black',WindowHandle)*绘制轮廓不填充dev_set_draw('margin')*线宽dev_set_lin...
clear_handle( : :Handle: ) Description clear_handleclears the content of the handle contained inHandle. The handle is left in a cleared state afterwards. Attempts to use it in any other operator will raise an error. Usually, handles are automatically cleared once all references in all tuples...
tuple_is_handle_elem(Operator) Name tuple_is_handle_elem— Test whether the elements of a tuple are of typehandle. Signature Description Exception: Empty input tuple If the input tuple is empty, the operator returns an empty tuple. HDevelop provides an in-line operation fortuple_is_handle_ele...
下面是一个示例代码,展示了如何传递HalconWindowHandle参数: 在上面的代码中: 1.我们首先声明了一个HalconWindowHandle变量hv_WindowHandle。 2.使用open_window函数打开一个图像窗口,并将窗口句柄存储在hv_WindowHandle中。 3.读取一张图像,并使用set_window函数将当前窗口设置为hv_WindowHandle对应的窗口,然后使用disp...
(0, 0, 512, 512, WindowID, "visible", "", out hv_WindowHandle); if (HalconAPI.isWindows) HOperatorSet.SetSystem("use_window_thread", "true"); HDevWindowStack.Push(hv_WindowHandle); if (HDevWindowStack.IsOpen()) { HOperatorSet.SetDraw(HDevWindowStack.GetActive(), "fill"); } }...
void mDataStream_NewBufferEvent(object sender, BGAPI2.Events.NewBufferEventArgs mDSEvent){try{BGAPI2.Buffer mBufferFilled = null;mBufferFilled = mDSEvent.BufferObj;if (mBufferFilled == null){MessageBox.Show("Error: Buffer Timeout after 1000 ms!");}else if (mBufferFilled.IsIncomplete == tr...
Matching::~Matching(void) { using namespace HalconCpp; // 关闭所有已分配的HALCON资源。 CloseFramegrabber(FGHandle); if (Timer != -1) { killTimer(Timer); Timer = -1; } } // 打开采集卡并抓取初始图像 void Matching::InitFg(void) { using namespace HalconCpp; // 打开采集卡并抓取初始...