OutputString := 'Box label found in ' + (Time * 1000)$'.4' + ' ms (on the side)' elseif (Pose[5] > 135 and Pose[5] < 225) OutputString := 'Box label found in ' + (Time * 1000)$'.4' + ' ms (upside down)' else OutputString := 'Box label found in ' + (Time ...
get_system_time (MSecond, Second, Minute, Hour, Day, YDay, Month, Year) DateTime := Year+'-'+Month$'.2'+'-'+Day$'.2'+' '+Hour$'.2'+':'+Minute$'.2'+':'+Second$'.2'+':'+MSecond$'.3' DirPathFirst := 'D:\\HalconException\\' file_exists (DirPathFirst, bFileExists...
get_system ('thread_pool', ThreadPool) get_system ('thread_num', ThreadNum) *Automatic Operator Parallelization,默认值是true get_system ('parallelize_operators', AOP) *这个修饰符用于把函数定义为可重入函数,默认值是true;所谓可重入函数就是允许被递归调用的函数 get_system ('reentrant', Reentrant) ...
即没有加速并行处理23set_system ('parallelize_operators','false')24get_system ('parallelize_operators', AOP)25count_seconds(T0)26edges_sub_pix (ImageGray, Edges1,'canny', alpha, low, high)27count_seconds(T1)28Time0:=(T1-T0)*100029stop()3031*测试2:AOP自动加速并行处理32*Halcon的默认值是...
(Image, ImageGray)endifalpha:=5low:=10high:=20*测试1:去掉AOP,即没有加速并行处理set_system ('parallelize_operators', 'false')get_system ('parallelize_operators', AOP)count_seconds(T0)edges_sub_pix (ImageGray, Edges1, 'canny', alpha, low, high)count_seconds(T1)Time0:=(T1-T0)*1000...
//计时器时间(从相机中采图并显示)private void dispatcherTimer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)//计时执行的程序{ho_Image.Dispose();HOperatorSet.GrabImageAsync(out ho_Image, hv_AcqHandle, -1);//获取图片HOperatorSet.GetImageSize(ho_Image, out hv_Width, out hv_Height);//获取图片的宽和高if...
1. get_grayval 功能:获取一个图像目标的灰度值。 2. get_image_pointer1 功能:获取一个通道的指针。 3. get_image_pointer1_rect 功能:获取图像数据指针和输入图像区域内最小矩形内部的图像数据。 4. get_image_pointer3 功能:获取一个彩色图像的指针。 5. get_image_time 功能:查找图像被创建的时间。 7....
'system_time_base': Determines how the system time is read. The system time can be read using get_system_time. Value: 'UTC' (Coordinated Universal Time), 'localtime' (local time configured on the used system) Default: 'localtime' 'max_connection': Determines the maximum number of regio...
'system_time_base': Determines how the system time is read. The system time can be read using get_system_time. Value: 'UTC' (Coordinated Universal Time), 'localtime' (local time configured on the used system) Default: 'localtime' 'max_connection': Determines the maximum number of regio...