Number of elements:DictHandle == 1 Key(input_control)string→(string /integer) Key string. Number of elements:Key == 1 Restriction:length(Key) > 0 Example (HDevelop) If the operation succeeds,get_dict_objectreturns 2 (H_MSG_TRUE). Otherwise an exception is raised. Possible error conditions...
Number of elements:DictHandle == 1 Key(input_control)string→(string /integer) Key string. Number of elements:Key == 1 Restriction:length(Key) > 0 Example (HDevelop) If the operation succeeds,get_dict_objectreturns 2 (H_MSG_TRUE). Otherwise an exception is raised. Possible error conditions...
get_dict_tuple (DLDataset, 'class_ids', ClassIDs) get_dict_tuple (DLDataset, 'class_names', ClassNames) set_dict_tuple (DLDataset, 'image_dir', ImageDir) set_dict_tuple (DLDataset, 'segmentation_dir', LabelDir) split_dl_dataset (DLDataset, 85, 15, []) create_dl_preprocess_param ...
可以通过 get_dict_object 和get_dict_tuple 函数来查询字典里面的数据,这两个函数的第一个变量是字典的句柄,第二个变量是键值,第三个变量是访问的值。可以通过 remove_dict_key 函数来删除字典中的数据,这个函数的第一个变量是字典的句柄,第二个变量是数据的键。 可以通过 copy_dict 来复制字典,所有字典数据...
xml标签文件如图,我们用到的就只有object对象,对其进行解析即可。 二、数据转换 数据转换分为两步,首先使用python脚本解析xml文件,然后使用hdev脚本实现halcon训练所需要的训练文件 1.解析XML文件 此处解析xml,提取每张图像的目标类别及位置 with open(xmlfile, "r", encoding="utf-8") as in_file: ...
Protobuf-net bug - serializing fixed array that is set to null I'm using protobuf-net library to serialize some objects. I have a field When I set it to say ushort[] { 3 } and then serialize the whole object and read it back it's fine. Then when I set foo to eith......
create_dict (DLSample) set_dict_object (ImagePreprocessed, DLSample, 'image') apply_dl_model (DLModelHandle, DLSample, [], DLResult) get_dict_tuple (DLResult, 'classification_confidences', Confidences) get_dict_tuple (DLResult, 'classification_class_names', PredictClasses) ...
private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e){ HOperatorSet.ReadDict(hv_DictFile, new ...
get_dict_object (ImagePreprocessed, DLSampleBatch[ResultIndex], 'image')输⼊和输出都要⽤循环来实现、3、(halcon 18.11)要求输⼊的数量和BatchSize要相等,否则会报错规格不对 (halcon 19.11)没有这个要求,可以⼤于,也可以⼩于。set_dl_model_param (DLModelHandle, 'batch_size', Batch...