find_data_code_2d(Operator) Name find_data_code_2d— Detect and read 2D data code symbols in an image or train the 2D data code model. Signature Description The operatorfind_data_code_2ddetects 2D data code symbols in the input image (Image) and reads the data that is encoded in the ...
set_data_code_2d_param(DataCodeHandleQR, ['module_size_min','module_size_max'], [12,40])*如果GenParamNames, GenParamValues不填,那么默认只找一个二维码,将'stop_after_result_num'设置为3指最多找3个*find_data_code_2d (Image2, SymbolXLDs, DataCodeHandleQR, [], [], ResultHandles, Decod...
1)find_data_code_2d() Image:输入的图像 SymbolXLDs:被成功解码的二维码周边的XLD轮廓 DataCodeHandle:二维码模型句柄 GenParamName:可设置的通用参数的名称 stop_after_result_num:需要检测条码的最大数量 ... GenParamValue:可设置通用参数的设置值 ResultHandles:所有成功解码二维码句柄 DecodedDataStrings:解码的...
* Create the data code model and search * for the data code in the rectified image create_data_code_2d_model('Data Matrix ECC 200', [], [], DataCodeHandle) *寻找二维码轮廓与解析二维码数据 find_data_code_2d(Image_rectified, SymbolXLDs, DataCodeHandle, [], [], ResultHandles, DecodedDa...
find_data_code_2d(Operator) Name find_data_code_2d— Detect and read 2D data code symbols in an image or train the 2D data code model. Signature Description The operatorfind_data_code_2ddetects 2D data code symbols in the input image (Image) and reads the data that is encoded in the ...
Malcon支持多种二维码类型,QR Code,DataMatrix ,PDF 417,RSS等等; 下边讲解一下步骤: 1、读取图片ReadImage 2、创建相对应的条码类型的句柄CreateDataCode2dModel 3、设置条码参数SetDataCode2dParam 4、查找条码:输出条码信息FindDataCode2d 5、设置显示字体SetDisplayFont ...
find_data_code_2d (Image, SymbolXLDsTest, DataCodeHandle1, [], [], \ ResultHandles, DecodedDataStrings) 4.清解码模型 clear_data_code_2d_model (DataCodeHandle1) 现在1~3步都没有问题,疑问的就在第4步 这个清解码模型 是不是每识别一个二维码之后 都要进行清解码模型 还是只要解码多次以后 ...
find_data_code_2d (Image, SymbolXLDs, DataCodeHandle, [], [], ResultHandles, DecodedDataStrings) *清除模型 clear_data_code_2d_model (DataCodeHandle) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 运行: 代码导出 在Halcon编辑器的菜单栏依次选择 “文件 — 导出”; ...
示例:create_data_code_2d_model ('QR Code', [], [], DataCodeHandle) 'QR Code'(输入参数):输入二维码类型 DataCodeHandle(输出参数):输出二维码句柄 搜索二 维码,并解码 find_data_code_2d 算子:find_data_code_2d( : : , , : , ) 示例:find_data_code_2d (GrayImage2, SymbolXLDs, DataCode...
find_data_code_2d(Image, SymbolxLDs, DataCodeHandle, [],[], ResultHandles, DecodedDatastrings) *[4]示外理结果及读码打印 dev_display (Image) dev_display (SymbolxLDs) disp_message(WindowHandle,'Image','window',12,12,'black','true') ...