* defects are characterized by dark patches. Hence, by substracting the * estimated background illumination from the original image the * defects become more apparent estimate_background_illumination (B, ImageFFT1) sub_image (B, ImageFFT1, ImageSub, 2, 100) * median filter smooths out the ...
* defects are characterized by dark patches. Hence, by substracting the * estimated background illumination from the original image the * defects become more apparent estimate_background_illumination (B, ImageFFT1) sub_image (B, ImageFFT1, ImageSub, 2, 100) * median filter smooths out the ...
HomMat2D (输入参数) ——输入转换矩阵 19.estimate_background_illumination 本地函数 用来估计生成背景图像 将图像傅里叶变换到频域中,通过高斯滤波,然后傅里叶反变换回来,得到的图像就是背景模板 显示函数: get_image_size (Image, Width, Height) rft_generic (Image, ImageFFT, ‘to_freq’, ‘none’, ‘...
* defects are characterized by dark patches. Hence, by substracting the * estimated background illumination from the original image the * defects become more apparent estimate_background_illumination (B, ImageFFT1) sub_image (B, ImageFFT1, ImageSub, 2, 100) * median filter smooths out the ...
针对这一问题,主要分为以下几种方案: 原图与背景图做差 对于多个目标检测任务,如果检测的多个物体大小近似,可以使用与物体形状、大小相同的顶帽变换,去除物体得到背景,然后用原图减去背景,得到灰度值近似的背景; 对于缺陷检测任务,halcon的estimate_background_illumination函数可以用于背景估计,…阅读全文 赞同1...
median_imagecan be used, for example, to smooth images, to suppress unwanted objects (e.g., point-like or line-like structures) that are smaller than the mask, and can therefore be used to estimate the background illumination for a shading correction or as a preprocessing step for the dyn...
median_imagecan be used, for example, to smooth images, to suppress unwanted objects (e.g., point-like or line-like structures) that are smaller than the mask, and can therefore be used to estimate the background illumination for a shading correction or as a preprocessing step for the dyn...
median_imagecan be used, for example, to smooth images, to suppress unwanted objects (e.g., point-like or line-like structures) that are smaller than the mask, and can therefore be used to estimate the background illumination for a shading correction or as a preprocessing step for the dyn...
【摘要】 一、Halcon 15种常用缺陷检测实例分享缺陷检测是一种通过计算机视觉技术来检测产品制造过程中的缺陷的方法。该技术可以检测出产品表面的缺陷,如裂纹、凹陷、划痕、气泡等,并且可以实时监测和诊断制造过程中的问题。在制造业中,机器视觉缺陷检测技术已经被广泛应用于各种产品的质量控制和检测工作中,如电子产品、...