Name copy_obj— Copy an iconic object in the HALCON database. Signature copy_obj(Objects:ObjectsSelected:Index,NumObj: ) copy_objcopiesNumObjiconic objects beginning with indexIndex(starting with 1) from the iconic input object tupleObjectsto the output objectObjectsSelected. If -1 is passed fo...
HOperatorSet.ProjectiveTransImage(ho_Image2, out ho_Image22, hv_HomMat2D, "bilinear", "false", "false"); OTemp[SP_O] = ho_Image22.CopyObj(1, -1); SP_O++; ho_Image22.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.CropPart(OTemp[SP_O - 1], out ho_Image22, 100, 0, hv_Width, hv_Height); OTemp...
h1 = MachineMaster.halcon.ho_CurrentImage1.CopyObj(1, 1); 1. 2. 第二种 HObject h1 ; h1 = MachineMaster.halcon.ho_CurrentImage1.Clone() 1. 2. HObject对象 参考文献 public HObject CopyObj(int index, int numObj) public HObject CopyObj(int index, int numObj) 参数:index输入待复制图像...
"false", "false"); OTemp[SP_O] = ho_Image22.CopyObj(1, -1); SP_O++; ho_Image22.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.CropPart(OTemp[SP_O - 1], out ho_Image22, 100, 0, hv_Width, hv_Height); OTemp[SP_O - 1].Dispose(); SP_O = 0; OTemp[SP_O] = ho_Image11.CopyObj(1, -1);...
Name copy_obj— Copy an iconic object in the HALCON database. copy_obj(Objects:ObjectsSelected:Index,NumObj: ) Description copy_objcopiesNumObjiconic objects beginning with indexIndex(starting with 1) from the iconic input object tupleObjectsto the output objectObjectsSelected. If -1 is passed ...
HObject CopyObj(Hlong Index, Hlong NumObj) const; // Concatenate two iconic object tuples. HObject ConcatObj(const HObject& Objects2) const; // Select objects from an object tuple. HObject SelectObj(const HTuple& Index) const; // Select objects from an object tuple. HObject Select...
HOperatorSet.CopyObj(HImg, TempObject, 1, -1) '原变量马上释放掉 HImg.Dispose() '用中间变量进行处理,处理结果放在原变量上 HOperatorSet.CropDomain(TempObject, HImg) '中间变量马上释放掉 TempObject.Dispose() EndWhile '最后把所有图形变量都释放掉 ...
OTemp[SP_O] = ho_Images1.CopyObj(1, -1); SP_O++; ho_Images1.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.ConcatObj(OTemp[SP_O - 1], ho_Image11, out ho_Images1); OTemp[SP_O - 1].Dispose(); SP_O = 0; OTemp[SP_O] = ho_Images1.CopyObj(1, -1); ...
vector<std::thread> threads; HTuple numThreads = 4; // 假设使用4个线程 for (Hlong i = 0; i < numThreads; ++i) { // 复制图像(在实际应用中,可以根据需要分配不同的图像或图像区域给每个线程) HObject imageCopy; CopyObj(image, &imageCopy); // 创建线程,并传递图像和线程ID...
using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Windows.Forms; namespace 颜色识别 { public partial class Form1 : Form { string picModel_Path; string picDist_Path;