add_image(Image1, Image2 : ImageResult : Mult, Add : ) DescriptionThe operator add_image adds two images. The gray values (g1,g2) of the input images (Image1 and Image2) are transformed as follows: g' := (g1 + g2) * Mult + Add ...
add_image(Image1, Image2 : ImageResult : Mult, Add : ) DescriptionThe operator add_image adds two images. The gray values (g1,g2) of the input images (Image1 and Image2) are transformed as follows: g' := (g1 + g2) * Mult + Add ...
add_image(Image1, Image2 : ImageResult : Mult, Add : ) 功能说明: 两图像逐像素相加 详细描述: 本算子将两幅图像进行相加。输入图像(Image1,Image2)的灰度值(g1,g2)按照如下方式进行转化: 如果发生数值溢出,则灰度值将被裁剪。注意这种情况在图像类型为cyclic(循环)和direction(方向)时不会发生。结果图...
//add_image (ImageMinuend, ImageSubtrahend, ImageSub, Mult, Add) //第一个参数是被加图像,第二个参数是加数图像,第三个参数是结果图像,第四个参数是乘数因子,第五个参数是补充值 //算子可以用以下计算式子表达: //ImageSub =( ImageMinuend + ImageSubtrahend ) *Mult + Add SetWindowAttr("backgroun...
*如果显卡缓存不够,会报错,error #4104 : Out of compute device memory edges_sub_pix (ImageGray, Edges1, 'canny', alpha, low, high) count_seconds(T4) Time2:=(T4-T3)*1000 if(DeviceHandle#0) deactivate_compute_device(DeviceHandle)
halcon错误代码:wrong number of image channel 请问在算子add_samples_image_class_gmm (Image, ROI, ...
Halcon 算子 sub_image add_image mult_image div_image 四个算子基本功能都是对两幅图片或包含多幅图片的数组进行操作,主要不同点在于计算公式的不同,div_image的参数取值范围和其它三个略又不同 作用:两个图片相减; 参数翻译(顺序对应以上参数顺序):
['abs_diff_image', 'abs_image', 'acos_image', 'add_image', 'affine_trans_image', 'affine_trans_image_size', 'area_center_gray', 'asin_image', 'atan2_image', 'atan_image', 'binocular_disparity_ms', 'binocular_distance_ms', 'binomial_filter', 'cfa_to_rgb', 'change_radial_disto...
#define H_ERR_WIHE 2107 /* Wrong image height */ #define H_ERR_ICUNDEF 2108 /* Undefined gray value component */ /* Error codes concerning the HALCON core (+ Language interfaces), 2200..2299 */ #define H_ERR_IDBD 2200 /* Inconsistent data of data base (typing) */ #define ...
2.abs_image(Image:ImageAbs: : ) 计算图像的绝对值模型 3.crop_part(Image:ImagePart:Row,Column,Width,Height: ) 剪切出一个长方形的图像 4.add_image(Image1,Image2:ImageResult:Mult,Add: ) 两图像相叠加g':=(g1+g2)*Mult+Add 5.max_image(Image1,Image2:ImageMax: : ) ...