add_imagecan be executed on an OpenCL device for byte, int1, int2, uint2, int4, real, direction, cyclic, and complex images. However, since for OpenCL 1.0 only single precision floating point is supported for all devices, and not all rounding modes are supported, the OpenCL implementati...
add_image(Image1, Image2 : ImageResult : Mult, Add : ) 功能说明: 两图像逐像素相加 详细描述: 本算子将两幅图像进行相加。输入图像(Image1,Image2)的灰度值(g1,g2)按照如下方式进行转化: 如果发生数值溢出,则灰度值将被裁剪。注意这种情况在图像类型为cyclic(循环)和direction(方向)时不会发生。结果图...
在HDevelop中 tuzi.jpg tuzi1.jpg read_image (Image, 'D:/bb/tu/tuzi.jpg') read_image (Image1, 'D:/bb/tu/tuzi1.jpg') add_image (Image, Imag
halcon错误代码:wrong number of image channel 请问在算子add_samples_image_class_gmm (Image, ROI, ...
*如果显卡缓存不够,会报错,error #4104 : Out of compute device memory edges_sub_pix (ImageGray, Edges1, 'canny', alpha, low, high) count_seconds(T4) Time2:=(T4-T3)*1000 if(DeviceHandle#0) deactivate_compute_device(DeviceHandle)
输入矫正值 -512.0 ≤ Add ≤ 512.0 描述: 输入图片g1和g2相加后,得到的图片的灰度值按以下公式计算: 计算得出的值如果发生溢出或者下溢,这个值会被舍弃,当然如果是矢量图片或者周期图片则不会被舍弃; 两个包含相同个数图片的数组也可以带入以上公式计算,结果也是个和输入数组图片个数相同的数组; ...
因此提速方法,建议事先创建好行 tuple (用 tuple_add 加一,即可实现所有行加一 ),列的 tuple 数组(创建好可以用多次 )。这时每次再调用 get_grayval,速度将显着提升,因为节省了逐行解释时间。注意:如果导出到 VC,则建议用 get_image_pointer 获取指针进行操作。
['abs_diff_image', 'abs_image', 'acos_image', 'add_image', 'affine_trans_image', 'affine_trans_image_size', 'area_center_gray', 'asin_image', 'atan2_image', 'atan_image', 'binocular_disparity_ms', 'binocular_distance_ms', 'binomial_filter', 'cfa_to_rgb', 'change_radial_disto...
* "throw(MyDict.image)" if MyDict.image is an image, not a tuple). */ #define H_ERR_WT_CTRL_EXPECTED 2460 /* Type mismatch: Control expected, found iconic */ #define H_ERR_WT_ICONIC_EXPECTED 2461 /* Type mismatc: Iconic expected, control found */ /* Error codes concerning HAL...