标准HALCON显示,绘图,鼠标,文本输出和可视化参数算子(如disp_image,disp_region,draw_circle,get_mbutton,write_string,set_rgb等)需要在参数WindowHandle中返回的逻辑窗口号,它显示在图形窗口的标题栏。 Background中指定的颜色为创建的窗口背景颜色。 该参数不适用于算子open_window。 在那里,需要通过预先调用set_win...
For windows of type 'WIN32-Window', 'X-Window', and 'Cocoa' the parameter FatherWindow can be used to determine the father window for the window to be opened. In case the control 'father' is set via set_check, FatherWindow must be the ID of a HALCON window, otherwise (set_check(...
在HDevelop中 read_image (Image, 'D:/bb/tu/ma.jpg') dev_open_window(0,700,500,300,'black',WindowHandle) *创建窗口 *参数1:窗口y坐标 *参数2:窗口x坐标 *参数3:
halcon-dev_open_window打开新的图形窗口 dev_open_window(0,700,500,300,'black',WindowHandle) *打开新的图形窗口;该窗口自动变为活动状态,这意味着所有输出(dev_display和自动显示 *等算子的结果)都被重定向到此窗口。 活动按钮上的朗光灯表示该窗口是否处于活动状态 *参数1:相对于HDevelop窗口的y坐标 *参数...
Additional information about the underlying HALCON window can be found at open_window. For more information about the graphics window, please have a look at the “HDevelop User's Guide”. AttentionUsing the code export feature of HDevelop, the code that is generated for this operator may have ...
halcon-dev_open_window打开新的图形窗口 dev_open_window(0,700,500,300,'black',WindowHandle) *打开新的图形窗口;该窗口自动变为活动状态,这意味着所有输出(dev_display和自动显示 *等算子的结果)都被重定向到此窗口。 活动按钮上的朗光灯表示该窗口是否处于活动状态...
HalconDotNet.HOperatorException:“HALCON error #1305: Wrong value of control parameter 5 in operator open_window” 今天遇到这个报错。 上网查了一下资料。 查了一下项目所有的halcondotnet的路径,包括自己的类的。 因为这个项目用的halcondotnet和其他类的路径不一样,产生这样的问题了。
Additional information about the underlying HALCON window can be found atopen_windowand about the HDevelop graphics window in the“HDevelop Reference Manual”chapterGraphical User Interface->Graphics Windowas well as in the“HDevelop User's Guide”. ...
HALCON display, drawing, mouse, text output, and visualization parameter operators (likedisp_image,disp_region,draw_circle,get_mbutton,write_string,set_rgb, etc.) need the logical window number that is returned in the parameterWindowHandleand displayed in the title bar of the graphics window. ...