Features(input_control)string(-array)→(string) Names of the features. Default value:'mean' List of values:'alpha','anisotropy','area','beta','column','deviation','entropy','fuzzy_entropy','fuzzy_perimeter','max','mean','median','min','moments_column','moments_row','phi','plane_de...
gray_features.hdev 计算标准的灰度值特征 area_center_gray.hdev 分析计算灰色区域和重心的精度
gray_features.hdev 计算标准的灰度值特征 elliptic_axis_gray.hdev 分析计算灰值矩的精度(elliptic_axis_gray)
Concept of Gray Value Morphology Gray value morphology provides a set of operators that allow the non-linear manipulation of gray values in an image, depending on their pixel neighborhood. For instance, morphological gray value operators can be used to smooth or emphasize structural features in imag...
inspect_bga.hdev 检查BGA丢失或偏离的球gray_features.hdev 计算标准的灰度值特征elliptic_axis_gray.hdev 分析计算灰值矩的精度(elliptic_axis_gray)查看全文 相关阅读: 父div的透明度不影响子div透明度 vue-组件命名 前端页面优化技巧 Webstorm添加新建.vue文件功能并支持高亮vue语法和es6语法 防止被坑 vue安装教程...
Regions, the features of which are to be calculated. Image(input_object)singlechannelimage→object(byte / direction / cyclic / int1 / int2 / uint2 / int4 / int8 / real) Gray value image. Percent(input_control)number→(real /integer) ...
entropy_gray - 确定图像的熵和各向异性。 用法 entropy_gray(Regions, Image : : : Entropy, Anisotropy) 描述 算子entropy_gray创建输入图像中灰度值的相对频率的直方图,并根据以下公式从这些频率计算来自区域的每个区域的熵和各向异性系数: rel[i]对应灰度值频率的直方图 ...
threshold, regiongrowing, connection Alternatives area_center See also area_center_xld, elliptic_axis_gray 模块 Foundation HDevelop例程 inspect_bga.hdev 检查BGA丢失或偏离的球 gray_features.hdev 计算标准的灰度值特征 area_center_gray.hdev 分析计算灰色区域和重心的精度...
Regions(input_object)region(-array)→object Regions where the features are to be determined. Image(input_object)singlechannelimage→object(byte) Gray value image. Entropy(output_control)real(-array)→(real) Information content (entropy) of the gray values. ...
Regions, the features of which are to be calculated. Image(input_object)singlechannelimage→object(byte / direction / cyclic / int1 / int2 / uint2 / int4 / int8 / real) Gray value image. Percent(input_control)number→(real /integer) ...