在使用halcon的过程中,有时候需要自己创建一个多边形轮廓,例如进行模板匹配时,可以自己创建一个多边形轮廓来创建匹配模板,故而介绍halcon绘制多边形轮廓的方法,主要采用以下两个算子实现: gen_contour_polygon_rounded_xld 创建带圆角的多边形轮廓,坐标和圆角可以通过数组的形式指定。 gen_contour_polygon_xld 创建不带圆角...
gen_contour_polygon_xld— Generate an XLD contour from a polygon (given as tuples).Signaturegen_contour_polygon_xld( : Contour : Row, Col : ) Descriptiongen_contour_polygon_xld generates an XLD contour Contour from a polygon given in the tuples Row and Col. This operator is useful if ...
1.gen_contour_polygon_rounded_xld( : Contour : Row, Col, Radius, SamplingInterval : )函数用...
gen_contour_polygon_xld— Generate an XLD contour from a polygon (given as tuples).Signaturegen_contour_polygon_xld( : Contour : Row, Col : ) Descriptiongen_contour_polygon_xld generates an XLD contour Contour from a polygon given in the tuples Row and Col. This operator is useful if ...
gen_contour_polygon_rounded_xld 1. 创建带圆角的多边形轮廓,坐标和圆角可以通过数组的形式指定。 gen_contour_polygon_xld 1. 创建不带圆角的多边形轮廓,坐标同样可以使用数组的形式指定。 以下是一个简单的绘制实例,以供参考: 1dev_set_color ('green')2dev_set_line_width (3)3*坐标数组4rows1:=[20,100...
gen_contour_polygon_rounded_xld 1. 创建带圆角的多边形轮廓,坐标和圆角可以通过数组的形式指定。 gen_contour_polygon_xld 1. 创建不带圆角的多边形轮廓,坐标同样可以使用数组的形式指定。 以下是一个简单的绘制实例,以供参考: 1dev_set_color ('green')2dev_set_line_width (3)3*坐标数组4rows1:=[20,100...
gen_contour_polygon_xld— Generate an XLD contour from a polygon (given as tuples). Signature gen_contour_polygon_xld( :Contour:Row,Col: ) Description Parallelization Multithreading type: reentrant (runs in parallel with non-exclusive operators). ...
gen_contour_polygon_xld— Generate an XLD contour from a polygon (given as tuples). Parallelization Multithreading type: reentrant (runs in parallel with non-exclusive operators). Multithreading scope: global (may be called from any thread). ...
gen_contour_polygon_rounded_xldgenerates an XLD contourContourwith rounded corners from a polygon given in the tuplesRowandCol. The rounded corners are created in form of arcs defined byRadius. For every specified point of the polygon there must be a corresponding rounding radius defined. In case...
gen_contour_polygon_rounded_xldgenerates an XLD contourContourwith rounded corners from a polygon given in the tuplesRowandCol. The rounded corners are created in form of arcs defined byRadius. For every specified point of the polygon there must be a corresponding rounding radius defined. In case...