gauss_image is obsolete and is only provided for reasons of backward compatibility. New applications should use the operator gauss_filter instead. 即这个函数已经过时,提供他只是为了向前兼容,新的应用建议使用gauss_filter 函数,那我们再来看下halcon中其具体的描述: Signature gauss_filter(Image : ImageGauss...
gauss_image is obsolete and is only provided for reasons of backward compatibility. New applications should use the operator gauss_filter instead. 即这个函数已经过时,提供他只是为了向前兼容,新的应用建议使用gauss_filter 函数,那我们再来看下halcon中其具体的描述: Signature gauss_filter(Image : ImageGauss...
For border treatment the gray values of the images are reflected at the image borders. Notice that, contrary to the operator gauss_image, the relationship between the filter mask size and its respective value for the sigma parameter is linear. 可见gauss_filter的Size只能取3、5、7、9、11这五个...
gauss_image is obsolete and is only provided for reasons of backward compatibility. New applications should use the operator gauss_filter instead. 即这个函数已经过时,提供他只是为了向前兼容,新的应用建议使用gauss_filter 函数,那我们再来看下halcon中其具体的描述: Signature gauss_filter(Image : ImageGauss...
我们测试了halcon的gauss_filter 的速度,测试代码如下所示: HalconCpp::HObject hoImage0; HalconCpp::ReadImage(&hoImage0,"D:\\1.bmp");intmax_iter =100;intmulti =3; timepoint tb;longlongtp;staticintw[] = {3,5,7,9,11,13,15,21,31,41,51};staticinth[] = {3,5,7,9,11,13,15,...