Halbquantitative analyse durch messung der entfärbungs-zeit von tüpfelfleckenA rapid semiquantitative method is described based on measurement of the time required for decolorization of spotreactions on filter paper strips by suitable reagents, This very simple method yields results which are ...
Halbquantitative, röntgendiffraktometrische Schwermineral-analyse glazialer Ablagerungen SO-Schonens (Schweden)For petrographic studies of glacial deposits, semi-quantitative X-ray diffraction analysis was tested as a time-saving method. Reproducible mounts with random orientation were produced with an...
Grundlagen zur halbquantitativen Bestimmung von zwanzig Elementen in der LasermikrospektralanalyseThe principles for the determination of the following 20 elements by Laser-microspectroscopy have been investigated separately for oxidic and metallic materials: Mg, Al, Si, Cr, Mn, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, ...
Grundlagen zur halbquantitativen Bestimmung der Elemente in der Laser-Mikrospektralanalyse. IIn20110* --chemistry--analytical & separations chemistry-- chemical proceduresarsenicbariumboroncalciumceriumerbiumeuropiumgadoliniumgermaniumThe principles for the semi-quantitative determination of the following elements...