Describe the set-up I'm using a STM32H743 on a custom board with 32768 Hz LSE crystal and battery-backed up RTC. Describe the bug Every time HAL_RTC_Init() is called, the RTC looses some sub-seconds. HAL_RTC_Init should check if the RTC ...
For devices without external power for the real-time clock, OEMs need to reset their real-time clock if IOCTL_HAL_INIT_RTC was called. However, this scenario is different during an update process:When the system boots to the Update Loader image, it will always be a RAM clean boot from ...
[in] Set to IOCTL_HAL_INIT_RTC. Resets the real-time clock by callingOEMSetRealTime. lpInBuf [in] Pointer to the input buffer that contains aSYSTEMTIMEstructure. nInBufsize [in] Size, in bytes, oflpInBuf. This should be the size of theSYSTEMTIMEstructure. ...